Plowing and winter maintenance

A plow car on the road.
The streets of Äänekoski are divided into three maintenance categories and they are plowed and sanded in the order according to the categories. The need for plowing arises on all streets in the maintenance category when about 5 cm of snow has fallen. If the need for plowing arises after 22.00:3.00 p.m., plowing will be started at XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. at the latest.

If it snows a lot at once, snow work will slow down and snow plows will be able to reach residential streets and property streets later than usual. Even during long-lasting continuous snowfall, the street may look unplowed even soon after plowing.

When the plowing equipment moves from one object to another, it also plows the lower-class fairway on the transition area for reasons of efficiency. Due to the differences in the scope of the work areas, the equipment does not move from one class to another at the same time, which means that the maintenance of lower-class streets starts somewhere before the higher-class road network elsewhere is ready. 

The city of Äänekoski manages a total of 207 km of traffic lanes, of which more than 43 km are light traffic lanes and sidewalks. In addition, there are 182 private roads receiving maintenance subsidies in the city area, the subsidized length of which is 420 km.

Central Finland's ELY Center is responsible for public roads as follows: Äänekoskentie all the way from 4-tie to 69-tie, the rest of Vaasantie (Tärttämäentienristeys - 4-tie). Suolahdentie, Sumiaistentie and Ruotintie in the Suolahti agglomeration. Keskustie and Matilanvirrantie in Konginkanka agglomeration. In Sumiainen agglomeration Sumiaisraitti and Taipaleentie. 

ELY road sections on the map: 

Feedback on ELY's road sections in the Palauteväylä service targeted directly to the map around the clock. Report a traffic-threatening problem directly to the Road User Line of the Road Traffic Centers by calling 0200 2100 (24h). Notifications that belong to the road user's line are e.g. water on the road, a tree that has fallen on the road or another obstacle that prevents normal road use.

It is the responsibility of the property owners to remove the snow accumulated at the junctions of the roads leading to the property. Property Lumia may not be brought into the street area or areas visible from the streets. Monitoring the amount of snow and ice that accumulates on the roofs and, if necessary, removing it, is the responsibility of the owner or occupier of the property.

Maintenance classes

The purpose of the maintenance classification of Äänekoski's streets, roads and light traffic lanes is to determine an appropriate order for maintenance measures and a targeted quality level for the condition of the lanes. When the maintenance classification has been drawn up, the basis has been traffic quality and needs, traffic volume and terrain conditions.  

The streets are divided into three maintenance categories:   

  • Main streets and socially important street sections belong to the 1st category. On 1st class streets, the procedure time from the emergence of the need for plowing is 4 hours (procedure time means the time when the streets of that street class must be plowed). 
  • Collector streets belong to the 2nd class. On 2nd class streets, the procedure time is 6 hours.
  • The 3rd category includes residential and plot streets. On 3rd class streets, the procedure time is 12 hours. 
  • The maintenance class of the light traffic route is determined by the maintenance class of the adjacent street, however, so that the light traffic routes along third-class streets, as well as the separate light traffic routes and park corridors important for work and school commuter traffic, are placed in at least the second maintenance category.   

Note! During an exceptionally heavy snowfall (more than 10 cm in 6 hours), the amount of snow on the streets may exceed the threshold for starting plowing, because the maintenance equipment is not sized for the worst snowstorms! 


Anti-slippery, i.e. sandblasting, is primarily on light roads, crosswalks, street slopes and streets used by heavy traffic. Salting is not used to combat slippery streets. 

On 1st class streets, the procedure time is 4 hours, 2 hours on 8nd class streets and 3 hours on 16rd class streets. If the need for sanding occurs on plowing days, the procedure time starts when plowing ends. 

The sandblasting sands are removed in the spring.

The City of Äänekoski offers sand for household use. Residents can collect sand for their yard free of charge from the center of Äänekoski and the surrounding areas. Read more here.

Read more about maintenance classes.

A pile of sand and a sign.


You can give feedback to the city of Äänekoski about plowing and other winter maintenance Äänekoski city's feedback channel through. 

Residents' feedback is important to us, and with their help we can develop our operations. But especially when it snows a lot, we get a lot of messages, and answering them burdens maintenance tasks even more. All messages are responded to, but there may be a delay in responding to messages if there are many messages at once. All streets will be plowed as quickly as possible and in accordance with the plowing order.

Feedback on ELY's road sections and roads in the Palauteväylä service or the Road User Line of the Road Traffic Centers by calling 0200 2100 (24h). 

Read more about streets and other traffic routes.

Read more about street lighting.


Trainee engineer
Tuomo Kaipio
040 673 9601

Maintenance call outside working hours 075 758 0361

Housing services