Road safety

Sign "School starts, children in traffic".
Traffic safety is an important part of residents' well-being and good life. The city of Äänekoski carries out traffic safety work, e.g. in teaching and education, urban structure services, youth and sports services, and internal and external communication. The city of Äänekoski has an annual allocation for improving traffic safety.

The city of Äänekoski strives to promote traffic safety in all its activities in cooperation between the police, the rescue service, ELY Center, Liikenneturva and neighboring municipalities, as well as through MAL cooperation.

The number of traffic deaths and injuries in Äänekoski has been on the rise since 2019, and an exceptionally high number of traffic accidents have occurred in 2020. In Äänekoski traffic accidents between 2018 and 2022, especially young people stand out compared to the size of the age groups.

Äänekoski is involved in the local Äänekoski and Konnevesi traffic safety group, which meets regularly. The working group monitors the traffic safety work that has been carried out, jointly plans measures to promote traffic safety among different industries, stakeholders and authorities, monitors local traffic accident statistics and ensures the continuity of the traffic safety work. The traffic safety group includes representatives of the city and municipality from various industries, as well as representatives of the ELY center, Traffic Safety, the police and the welfare area.

According to the national traffic safety strategy, traffic education for children and young people in particular is one important goal. The drafting of Central Finland's provincial road safety strategy will start in 2024, and a joint road safety forum for Central Finland will also be organized annually.

Traffic education and a safe environment

Traffic safety work concerns all municipal residents, from babies to adults. Influencing attitudes and traffic behavior starts in Äänekoski with traffic education already from kindergarten age. Teaching and educational services and youth services play a key role in traffic safety education. Youth work has an important preventive approach and cooperation with the police is important. 

Äänekoski's urban construction services plan and implement a safe environment for movement. Preventive traffic safety work is carried out by coordinating land use and traffic planning and by improving the traffic environment. The condition of the street network is measured regularly and investment plans are made according to it, the last time the condition of the network was measured was in the spring of 2023. Street maintenance and lighting are also an important part of traffic safety. In Äänekoski, improving the safety of pedestrian crossings is one of the most important goals. 

Information, skills and attitudes related to safe movement are also strengthened in sports services. For example, in connection with the preparation of the program for the promotion of walking and cycling, traffic safety is also examined. The city of Äänekoski often distributes reflectors to children and young people and other residents in connection with various activities. Äänekoski has a Huuha transport park with pedal cars for families with children, and a new transport park will be opened in Konginkanka in the summer of 2024.

The promotion of traffic safety is also taken into account, e.g. in the city's communication by highlighting current themes and in the implementation of school transport and other transport with instructions. Site notification is also important when construction results in temporary traffic arrangements. In particular, attention has been paid to providing clear information to guardians regarding the safe escort transport of daycare centers and schools. The student transport guide for those entitled to transport deals with traffic safety issues. 

Traffic safety is part of occupational health and safety, and the city of Äänekoski encourages its personnel to move safely through various activities, incentives and communication. For example, employees of the city of Äänekoski have e-bikes that can be borrowed for work trips, and an internal competition encouraging walking has been organized in the technical industry.

suggestions for improving traffic safety:

Residents can put proposals, ideas, feedback and questions related to traffic safety:

For more information:

Technical director Tommi Rautjärvi
0400 543 587

Niina Rautanen, director of education and training
040 514 8102

Traffic planner Anne Paananen 
040 835 4720

Urban environment and traffic