Parks and green areas

The park department is the developer and administrator of Äänekoski's public green areas. The aim of the activity is to plan, build and maintain a comfortable, safe, stimulating and versatile environment, taking into account the wishes of the people of Tunakoski.
The green environment of the new Äänekoski includes parks, park forests, street green areas, courtyards of the city's public buildings, landscaped fields, agricultural plots and playgrounds (approx. 81 ha in total), and the plans also include tens of hectares of natural recreation areas (mostly forests).
In many places, parks form diverse and extensive territorial entities. The abundance of water bodies, varying terrains and natural greenery offer a good opportunity for refreshment, observing nature and moving around.
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Beach park
The largest built park is Rantapuisto, located in the center below the town hall, through which the popular walking route around Lake Äänejärvi runs. From Äänejärvi's Häränvirra, you can continue through the harbor along the beach route following Keiteleenranta (length approx. 4 km).
Rantapuisto has 8 nursery boxes. New growers can inquire and reserve boxes from the urban gardener.
Central park
Huuha family park
Huuha's family park is the most versatile play and recreation area, including e.g. playgrounds, skateboardja traffic parkand the performance stage.
Rantaraitti – Suolahti
During the planning and expansion of the park areas maintained in Suolahti, the Rantaraitti (length 2.9 km) was formed to follow the shore of Keitele in the vicinity of Wanha Asema and the harbor.
Koskela alpine rose park
A city park with a peaceful atmosphere, the specialty of which are the alpine roses that offer the splendor of early summer flowers. A peaceful city park located within walking distance of the heart of the city center. Especially during the early summer, you should visit Koskelanpuisto to admire the splendor of flowers.
The giant rhododendrons of this Äänekoski rhodo park live in harmony with the pines and wildflowers of the area. A visit to the park can be combined with a visit to the Huuha family park. There are good parking opportunities in connection with the Huuha family park.
Koskelanpuisto is originally intended as an observation park, and it is not only an alpine rose park, although they are the most visible part of the park in early summer. Various forms of trees have been planted in the park, such as alder, red birch, white birch, broad-leaved birch and dwarf spruce. There are roses along Koulunmäenkatu.
Os. Koulumäenkatu 17 44100, Äänekoski
Events in parks
The use of parks and public areas is basically free of charge. Access to events organized in parks and public areas is applied for using a separate form. When organizing a large event, we comply in the user fee price list existing large event principles and user fees.
Häränvirta Rotten Tree Park
Biodiversity of nature describes the variation of different habitats and the organisms that live in them (biodiversity). Diversity is a basic requirement for a successful life. Nowadays, the reason for the extinction of more and more species is the change of habitats. One significant change is the reduction of decaying wood.
In 2015, the Häränvirranlahopuupuisto was established in Äänekoski. The size of the park is about one hectare. The area diversifies the green areas near the city, because the park imitates the natural development of the forest. See the location of the area from the map and get to know the electronic of Lahopuupuisto to the brochure.
The idea for Häränvirta's rotting tree park was born from birches growing in the area, which were already in poor condition and large, and which had to be cut down (so-called risk trees). The removal of the trunks was felt to be a waste of materials, and it was abandoned. This is how the plan for the city's first neighborhood decaying tree park began to take shape. Lumberjack and Äänekoski workshopmanaged together e.g. pouring and the making of picket fences.
The controlled leaving of decaying trees in the park increases and protects the living conditions of species that need decaying wood. The decay of wood takes place in stages, when it is also utilized by different species of organisms in stages. Decayed trees in different stages increase the diversity of the surrounding area. In Häränvirta's rotting tree park, the city has also installed bat pens. The park is bordered by the beach, and the residents have also brought tents to the park area. Read more about the importance and implementation of rotting trees: Guide to urban rotting wood.

Elonkierto community garden
The Elonkierto community garden of the city of Äänekoski in Piilolanniemi supports communal activities that increase the participation of residents, e.g. through events, educational institutions and various associations. Both ecological and social sustainability are taken into account in the operations. Read more From the Elonkierto community garden.
Self-cultivation is also possible in Rantapuisto's cultivation boxes (8 pcs) and In Suolahti's Suojärvi transplant garden area.
Os. Eerolankatu 12, Äänekoski

Wood felling notification form, electronic
Logging notification form (docx)
For more information:
Rantapuisto cultivation boxes
City gardener
Tiina Nejlik
040 528 5553
Suojärvi transplant garden
Land Use Manager
Juha Koskinen
0400 641 829
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