Polling stations in Äänekoski
Voting places and times for the 2024 European Parliament elections in Äänekoski
Early voting
The polling places for general early voting are located in the Äänekoski city area:
Äänekoski town hall
Hallintokatu 4, 44100 Äänekoski
Open to voters:
Wed-Fri 29.-31.5.2024 from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m
Sat-Sun 1.-2.6.2024 from 10 a.m. to 14 p.m
Mon-Tues 3-4.6.2024 June 10 from 18 am to XNUMX pm
Riihijärvenkatu 2 A, 44200 Suolahti
Open to voters:
Wed-Fri 29.-31.5.2024 from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m
Sat-Sun 1.-2.6.2024 from 10 a.m. to 14 p.m
Mon-Tues 3-4.6.2024 June 10 from 18 am to XNUMX pm
Sumiainte library
Koulutie 6, 44280 Sumiainen
Open to voters:
Wed-Thurs 29.-30.5.2024 from 14-18
Kongingkanka library
Kauppatie 2, 44400 Konginkangas
Open to voters:
Mon-Tues 3-4.6.2024 June 14 from 18 am to XNUMX pm
Election day
Election day polling places in the city of Äänekoski by voting area:
Voting area 001 Äänekoski
City Hall, Hallintokatu 4
Voting area 002 Markkamäki
Poken Opinahjo's office, Opinahjontie 1
Voting area 003 Suolahti
Suolahti unified school, Telakkakatu 15
Voting area 004 Honkola
Honkola school, Hujakontie 8
Voting area 005 Konginkangas
Konginkankaa school, Kansakoulutie 1a
Voting area 006 Sumiainen
Sumiainen School, Koulutie 4a
All election day polling stations are open to voters on the election day of the European Parliament elections, Sunday, June 9.6.2024, 9, from 20 a.m. to XNUMX p.m.
Map of Äänekoski voting districts (pdf)
What is my polling place on election day?
On election day, you can only vote at the polling station of your own voting district. Your voting area is determined based on the home address registered in the population information system. The name and address information of the voting area and the polling place in it are entered in the notice of right to vote, which the state authorities send to all those entitled to vote by mail or electronically.
If you have not received a notice of voting rights or the information is unclear, you can find out your polling place on election day by calling the service number of the Digital and Population Information Agency or the election service number of the Ministry of Justice:
- The service number of the Digital and Population Information Agency, tel. 029 553 6370
- The election service number of the Ministry of Justice, tel. 0800 9 4770
You can also search for a polling place based on your address on the www service maintained by the Digital and Population Information Agency www.aanestyspaikat.fi (link only works during elections).