At Äänekoski, we grow with you!

Äänekoski has modern schools and kindergartens, and we offer a good growth platform for the child. Solid foundations are built for dreams and the small grows big in Äänekoski. The goal is that the happiest children in Finland live here. At Äänekoski, we grow with you!

Äänekoski invests especially in entrepreneurship education, from pre-school to high school, cultural education and the teaching of well-being skills. Äänekoski is the Early Childhood Education District of the Year. After elementary school, in Äänekoski you can study in high school, in Northern Central Finland vocational college, and the city supports residents' higher education. Youth services support growing young people in various life situations. Families are supported in a variety of ways. At Äänekoski, you can do a variety of activities, inexpensively and easily, because everything important is nearby. 


Kosken Ääni video 11.10.2024: Welcome to Koivisto's new daycare center! 

"Koivisto is close to everything and the location is very central. There is wonderful nature all around, rural landscapes and cows in the field. Nature is very strongly present in Koivisto. It's great that the kindergarten and school people finally got under the same roof. It's fun to watch the little ones get here moves. Children are the best in Koivisto!"

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Education with warmth and professionalism

Äänekoski daycare centers and schools offer a good growth environment for the child. The goal is that the happiest children in Finland live here. 

A high-quality kindergarten and school network, comprehensive services, diverse cultural and sports activities and smooth transport connections make Äänekoski attractive and offer the opportunity for a good life. Small grows big in Äänekoski! 

In connection with the village schools, there are kindergartens and pre-school, which makes everyday life easier for families. Our small schools have a village school-like atmosphere and children get to be children for a long time.

After elementary school, in Äänekoski you can study in high school, in Northern Central Finland vocational college, and the city supports residents' higher education.

From small to large

At Äänekoski, everyone is important. Our ten kindergartens and our professional staff guide children into the future. We make moments important and invest in play and presence. Äänekoski is the early childhood education district of 2024.

Every person from Aunekoski receives early childhood education services. The child is surrounded by a safe growth environment. The city's playgrounds and jauima beaches are especially popular with those in kura suits. The city's numerous playgrounds encourage movement while playing.

We make moments important

Small grows big in Äänekoski. Daycare centers and educational snacks not only for nature trips but also for the future. Elementary school and a new, modern high school or vocational college accompany the city dweller into adulthood. 

Äänekoski offers young people choices ranging from vocational training to university studies.

Solid foundations for dreams

It is easy for a student to study in a modern learning environment. New schools and modern facilities guarantee the highest level of study. Ala-Keiteleen Music College is responsible for high-quality music education for its students, Koskela also provides basic art education and the opportunities for hobbies are at their peak.

The learning environment in Äänekoski is inspiring, developing and caring. A digital learning environment is an everyday occurrence in Äänekoski. The common path created between school and home provides the best opportunities for growth. The future lives here.

Follow the day-to-day life and news of our kindergartens and schools on social media with the hashtag #ÄänekoskellaKasvammeKanssasi.


Aarne's kindergarten hearings

Heidi Kolun 4 years old aarne is being cared for at the Mikonpuisto daycare center. When Aarne went to daycare at the age of 1, he got to know the daycare, adults, friends and toys in advance. And of course, Aarneenhalutti would also like to get to know you.

- At the daycare, my child is genuinely cared for and well taken care of, says Heidi Kolu.

Read more about Aarne's daycare wear here.

Äänekoski is a great hobby town! The children of the Honkonen family do many and varied activities

Jonna ja Mikko Honkonen the family does a lot of hobbies and the whole family is satisfied with the hobby opportunities in Äänekoski. Children of extended family Jasmine 12 Enniina 11 James 8, Eevert 6, Oliveri 3, yesThe wind 11 months, have all been satisfied with the leisure services, schools and daycare centers of the city of Äänekoski. 

The family has many hobbies, including weightlifting, wrestling, ice hockey, hockey school, volleyball, football, sports club and musketry, as well as volunteer fire brigade activities. One of the children started in the Äänekoski youth theatre Varjolaps. Other sports and the project on children's physical activity that started in Äänekoski are also of interest, but there is no room for much in the hobby schedules anymore.

- In Äänekoski, there is even a lack of abundance in hobbies, because it is not possible to do all the fun things at the same time, says JonnaHonkonen, the mother of the family.

Read more about the Honkonen family's hobbies here.

Would you like to tell us about your family's experiences with Äänekoski kindergartens, schools, hobby opportunities and other services for families with children? Contact

Suolahti unified school will be held from 5th to 9th. Everyone's cafe shared by classmates and teachers! Everyone's cafe is open on Wednesdays during recess and it is held at the request of the young people. The goal is to prevent bullying and to create good encounters. Cafe operations can create a safe and positive school environment. It is easy for everyone to join, even quieter students. Suolahti also has a lot of other halftime activities, such as the popular Kipinäväläk!

At Äänekoski, we build inclusiveness together so that everyone is part of the community. We want everyone to have the opportunity to take their place as a resident and feel their own meaning. Conditions and incentives are offered for social encounters. One of the strategic goals of the city of Äänekoski is that no one is alone in the Äänekoski of the future. 

The goal is that the happiest children and young people in Finland live here!

For more information:

Äänekoski daycare centers and schools offer a good growth environment for the child: 

Get to know Äänekoski's early childhood education and daycare centers

It is easy for a student to study in a modern learning environment. New schools and modern facilities guarantee a top level of study:

Get to know Äänekoski's education and schools

In Äänekoski, you can also study in upper secondary school after elementary school, at the Northern Central Finland Vocational College, and the city of Äänekoski supports the residents' higher education:

Äänekoski high school


Open higher education

The youth services of the city of Äänekoski organize diverse leisure activities and meeting places for young people. The task of youth services is to provide young people with information, support, counseling and to promote young people's participation and influencing opportunities:

Get to know Äänekoski's youth services

Would you like to be involved in influencing the affairs of young people in Äänekoski? Join the youth council:

Get to know the Äänekoski youth council

In Äänekoski, pre-school, all schools and upper secondary schools use an entrepreneurship education curriculum called Yrittäjyyskasvatuspolku:

Get to know Äänekoski's entrepreneurship education

Cultural education plan Kulttuurikoski guarantees all children in Äänekoski the same opportunities to participate in cultural activities:

Get to know Äänekoski's cultural education

Äänekoski all 1.-9. -classes use a well-being skills curriculum called Good growth, which provides the structures and foundations for how schools can systematically and consistently strengthen the well-being of children and young people:

Get to know Äänekoski's well-being skills teaching

Äänekoski schools and kindergartens offer high-quality food so that the little one grows up! The food services of the city of Äänekoski produce high-quality, safe meal services that support education and care for the needs of customers for Äänekoski schools and kindergartens. Meals are planned and executed customer-oriented, using first-class foods:

Get to know Äänekoski's food parties

Äänekoski offers a lot of services, sports and hobby opportunities and culture for families with children! Swimming pools, playgrounds, sports facilities and hobby opportunities, etc., are just as versatile as in a bigger city. Check out our services for families with children:

Get to know Äänekoski's services for families with children

Family center activities and open daycare

Culture and exercise

The numerous playgrounds in the city of Äänekoski encourage you to move while playing:


The children's hobby grant is intended primarily for families where it is difficult for children to participate in hobby activities due to the family's financial situation:

Hobby grant

Those who have moved to Äänekoski are entitled to the benefits of a new resident:

New resident benefits

Education and upbringing

Riihimäki general upper secondary school

At Äänekoski high school, we learn the basics of life and prepare for further studies and the future working life. In a high school of about 300 students, we know each other and the atmosphere is safe and confidential. The 90-year-old high school has long traditions, but the high school building is new and modern. At Äänekoski high school, we study, gain insight, gather inspiration and have fun together. On our front door it says "Carpe diem" - Welcome to the back!