Working and holiday hours
Here you can find the working and holiday hours of Äänekoski's pre-primary and basic education in the academic year 2024-2025.
Release 3.6.2024 February XNUMX: School starts on Thursday 8.8.2024 August XNUMX
Basic education working and holiday periods 2024-2025
The fall semester begins on August 8.8.2024, XNUMX |
The spring semester begins on January 7.1.2025, XNUMX |
Autumn holiday 14.-20.10.2024 |
Winter vacation 24.2.-2.3.2025 |
The autumn semester ends on 20.12.2024 December XNUMX |
The spring semester ends on 31.5.2025 May XNUMX |
Christmas vacation 21.12.2024 December 6.1.2025-XNUMX January XNUMX |
Here you can find basic education working and vacation times as a pdf file.
- Elementary school working hours as a tick table (pdf)
- Upper school working hours as a tick table (pdf)
Pre-school working and holiday hours 2024-2025
The fall semester begins on August 15.8.2024, XNUMX |
The spring semester begins on January 7.1.2025, XNUMX |
Autumn holiday 14.-20.10.2024 |
Winter vacation 24.2.-2.3.2025 |
The autumn semester ends on 17.12.2024 December XNUMX |
The spring semester ends on 28.5.2025 May XNUMX |
Christmas vacation 18.12.2024 December 6.1.2025-XNUMX January XNUMX |
Day off 2.5.2025 May XNUMX |
Here you can find preschool working and holiday hours as a pdf file.
For more information:
Office secretary
Maarit Saranpää
0400 115 661
Office secretary
Tanja Rämä
0400 115 540