Working and holiday hours

Children queue at school.
Here you can find the working and holiday hours of Äänekoski's pre-primary and basic education in the academic year 2024-2025.

Release 3.6.2024 February XNUMX: School starts on Thursday 8.8.2024 August XNUMX 

Basic education working and holiday periods 2024-2025

The fall semester begins on August 8.8.2024, XNUMX
The spring semester begins on January 7.1.2025, XNUMX
Autumn holiday 14.-20.10.2024
Winter vacation 24.2.-2.3.2025
The autumn semester ends on 20.12.2024 December XNUMX
The spring semester ends on 31.5.2025 May XNUMX
Christmas vacation 21.12.2024 December 6.1.2025-XNUMX January XNUMX

Basic education working and holiday hours

Here you can find basic education working and vacation times as a pdf file

Pre-school working and holiday hours 2024-2025

The fall semester begins on August 15.8.2024, XNUMX
The spring semester begins on January 7.1.2025, XNUMX
Autumn holiday 14.-20.10.2024
Winter vacation 24.2.-2.3.2025
The autumn semester ends on 17.12.2024 December XNUMX
The spring semester ends on 28.5.2025 May XNUMX
Christmas vacation 18.12.2024 December 6.1.2025-XNUMX January XNUMX
Day off 2.5.2025 May XNUMX


Preschool working and holiday hours

Here you can find preschool working and holiday hours as a pdf file.

For more information:

Office secretary
Maarit Saranpää
0400 115 661

Office secretary
Tanja Rämä
0400 115 540

Education and upbringing

Riihimäki general upper secondary school

At Äänekoski high school, we learn the basics of life and prepare for further studies and the future working life. In a high school of about 300 students, we know each other and the atmosphere is safe and confidential. The 90-year-old high school has long traditions, but the high school building is new and modern. At Äänekoski high school, we study, gain insight, gather inspiration and have fun together. On our front door it says "Carpe diem" - Welcome to the back!

Entrepreneurship education

The city of Äänekoski is a pioneer in entrepreneurship education in Finland. In Äänekoski, preschool education, all schools and high schools use the Entrepreneurship Education Path entrepreneurship education curriculum. Local sponsored companies are a significant resource and cooperation with the local business community is close. Äänemessut is the city's entrepreneurship education's own fair event, which is implemented in cooperation between entrepreneurship education and the city. Young people are also supported in finding summer jobs and summer entrepreneurship.