Operating grants for associations
The Culture and Sports Board annually grants operating grants to the people of Anekoski for the regular activities of culture, sports, youth and village associations. The operating grant is awarded once a year and the granted grant can be a maximum of 5...

Target grants for cultural activities
The Director of Culture and Sports grants targeted grants for cultural activities to associations whose registered office is in Äänekoski and to individuals registered in Äänekoski or to working groups or committees formed by individuals.

Target grants for sports services
The Director of Culture and Sports grants targeted grants for sports services to associations whose registered office is in Äänekoski and to individuals registered in Äänekoski or to working groups or committees formed of individuals....

Target subsidies for villages
The Director of Culture and Sports grants targeted grants to village associations whose seat is in Äänekoski and to village committees whose members are registered in Äänekoski. Target grants are always partial financing and the applicant is required to self-finance...

Culture and sports rewards
The city of Äänekoski awards meritorious actors in the cultural sector as well as highly successful athletes, coaches, instructors, and those who have merited in club work and sports with recognition awards.

Hobby grant
The City of Äänekoski's children's hobby grant is intended to support the hobby activities of children and young people in Äänekoski. The hobby grant is intended primarily for families where children's participation in hobby activities is difficult due to the family's financial situation.