Search, reservations and personal loans
Materials can be ordered with a free reservation from any library in your municipality or from Keski library to the nearest library. You can make a reservation in the online library (you need a Keski library card and PIN code) or ask the staff to make one
Äänekoski main library
The main library of the city of Äänekoski is located in the center of the Äänekoski agglomeration. The library has up-to-date and versatile loanable material as well as an expert advice and information service.
Suolahti library
The Suolahti library is located in the center of the Suolahti settlement. The library's lending hall has space for holding small-scale exhibitions. The library's newsroom has a separate entrance and longer opening hours.
Sumiainte library
The Sumiainen library is located in the center of the settlement, in a separate building in the grounds of the Sumiainen school. The library has a lending room, magazine room, customer computer, copier-printer and wireless network for customers.
Kongingkanka library
The Konginkankaa library is located in a commercial property in the center of the agglomeration. The library also has a newspaper reading room and a customer computer, as well as an open wireless network. The lending hall has space for holding small-scale exhibitions.
Exceptional opening hours of libraries
This page has collected additional information about exceptional opening hours of libraries, e.g. on public holidays.
Self-employed hours
Some of Äänekoski's libraries are open separately during customer service hours, when staff are present, and in addition during extended self-service hours without staff. The library premises can be accessed by logging in with a KESKI library card.
Most booked and new
The most booked top 10 books and novelties from the adult, youth and children's sections. All materials that arrived at the libraries during the previous month in the downloadable new catalog.
Selection of library material
The selection of materials is governed by the Public Libraries Act. According to the law, the public library must promote the population's equal opportunities for education and culture, the availability and use of information, as well as the culture of reading and multi-literacy.
Literary events
Äänekoski's libraries regularly organize various literary events open to everyone. Such are e.g. children's story lessons, embroidery evenings, expert lectures, theme weeks and digital guidance events.
You write
Both Äänekoski and Suolahti libraries organize book evenings once a month. In the bookstores of both libraries, a different theme is always followed for six months, to which all the books are related. The evenings are organized by Mari Moisio. There is a va..
Story time
Äänekoski's libraries organize fairy tale classes open to everyone throughout the year. Storytelling classes are held regularly at the main library during the winter season, and occasionally at nearby libraries. Information about fairy tale classes can always be found in the city's event calendar...
Magazine collections and magazines
A comprehensive collection of newspapers and magazines can be read in the Äänekoski libraries' magazine rooms. Magazines can be borrowed for 14 days (the latest issue is not borrowed). The main library and Suolahti library have separate entrances to the magazine rooms.
Accessibility library Celia's audio books
Is reading the text difficult for you, for example, due to dyslexia, muscle disease or impaired vision? An audiobook can help when reading plain text is difficult.
Library card and rules
KESKI libraries use a common library card. The first library card is free of charge, you can get it by filling out and signing the library card form and presenting a photo ID (e.g. driver's license, passport) at the library.
Information technology services
Libraries offer desktop computers for customer use as well as possibilities for printing, copying and scanning. Scanning is free of charge, copies and prints are chargeable (price below.
Kindergarten and school visits
The library invites kindergartens, elementary and middle schools, and secondary schools for guided visits. During these visits, you get to know the library's services, collections and information search, and you are advised to read a variety of things, from picture books to non-fiction books.
Nepsy corner
All Äänekoski libraries have their own nepsy shelf, where you can find books related to the topic and information about nepsy matters.
Clear books
Reference books are easy to read. All libraries have reference books.
Library in plain language
This page tells about the library and how to use it in plain language.
Äänekoski print products on sale
The lovely and popular Äänekoski print products are on sale at the Äänekoski main library and art museum. The print was designed by Kaisla Kujanpää, a designer from Äänekoski, and the name of the pattern is "City in nature's lap".
Art reading circle
In the art reading circle, we get to know a book that opens new avenues for domestic visual art. The fall reading is art history researcher Mari Tossavainen's Ella (Otava, 2022), which tells the story of Helene Sch...
Äänekoski Art Museum
Thu 3.10.2024 October 28.11.2024 - Thu XNUMX November XNUMX
th from 16:17 to XNUMX:XNUMX
Book evening in Suolahti library in October
Embroidery evenings held by Mari Moisio in Suolahti library in the fall of 2024, with the theme "Places in fiction".
Suolahti library, club room
My 14.10.2024
At 17.30 o'clock
Digital information impact recording in the Äänekoski main library: Adding speed to an old device
Did you miss the previous Digibuusti! project's digital data strike or are you having trouble watching the data strike recording on your own device? In the youth section of the Äänekoski main library, the previous...
Äänekoski main library, youth department
Ti 15.10.2024
At 17 o'clock
Short story hook at the Äänekoski main library in October
In the short story hook, you make your own crafts and listen to short stories read aloud. You can also come just to listen and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee at the same time!
Äänekoski main library
The 17.10.2024
from 17.30:18.30 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m
Board game club in Äänekoski main library (October 21.10)
Hello youth, adult or young adult - welcome to the open board game club of the Äänekoski main library!
Äänekoski main library
My 21.10.2024
From 16:18 to XNUMX:XNUMX
Digital security attack recording in the Äänekoski main library: Internet fraudsters and account hijackers
Did you miss the previous Digibuusti! project's digital data strike or are you having trouble watching the data strike recording on your own device? In the youth section of the Äänekoski main library, the previous...
Äänekoski main library, youth department
Ti 29.10.2024
At 17 o'clock
Book evening in Suolahti library in November
Embroidery evenings held by Mari Moisio in Suolahti library in the fall of 2024, with the theme "Places in fiction".
Suolahti library, club room
My 4.11.2024
At 17.30 o'clock
Board game club in Äänekoski main library (October 4.11)
Hello youth, adult or young adult - welcome to the open board game club of the Äänekoski main library!
Äänekoski main library
My 4.11.2024
From 16:18 to XNUMX:XNUMX
Fairy tale class at the Äänekoski main library in November
Dive into a fairy tale! Äänekoski main library's story lessons every first Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m.
Äänekoski main library, satunurkka
Ti 5.11.2024
At 10 o'clock
Storytelling lesson in Suolahti library in November
Dive into a fairy tale! Suolahti library story lessons every first Thursday of the month at 10 am.
Suolahti library, children's department
The 7.11.2024
At 10 o'clock
Book evening at the Äänekoski main library in November
Embroidery evenings held by Mari Moisio in the Äänekoski main library in the fall of 2024, with the theme "Men's turn".
Äänekoski main library, youth department
The 7.11.2024
At 17.30 o'clock
Digiteitosku recording in the Äänekoski main library: Parking applications
Did you miss the previous Digibuusti! project's digital data strike or are you having trouble watching the data strike recording on your own device? In the youth section of the Äänekoski main library, the previous...
Äänekoski main library, youth department
Ti 12.11.2024
At 17 o'clock
Short story hook at the Äänekoski main library in November
In the short story hook, you make your own crafts and listen to short stories read aloud. You can also come just to listen and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee at the same time!
Äänekoski main library
The 14.11.2024
from 17.30:18.30 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m
Literary matinee
Äänekoski Literary matinee is coming to cheer up November again!
On 17.11.2024
At 13 o'clock
Board game club in Äänekoski main library (October 18.11)
Hello youth, adult or young adult - welcome to the open board game club of the Äänekoski main library!
Äänekoski main library
My 18.11.2024
From 16:18 to XNUMX:XNUMX
Digitietoisku recording in the Äänekoski main library: Electronic health services of the welfare area
Did you miss the previous Digibuusti! project's digital data strike or are you having trouble watching the data strike recording on your own device? In the youth section of the Äänekoski main library, the previous...
Äänekoski main library, youth department
Ti 26.11.2024
At 17 o'clock
Board game club in Äänekoski main library (October 2.12)
Hello youth, adult or young adult - welcome to the open board game club of the Äänekoski main library!
Äänekoski main library
My 2.12.2024
From 16:18 to XNUMX:XNUMX
Book evening in Suolahti library in December
Embroidery evenings held by Mari Moisio in Suolahti library in the fall of 2024, with the theme "Places in fiction".
Suolahti library, club room
My 2.12.2024
At 17.30 o'clock
Fairy tale lesson at the Äänekoski main library in December
Dive into a fairy tale! Äänekoski main library's story lessons every first Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m.
Äänekoski main library, satunurkka
Ti 3.12.2024
At 10 o'clock
Fairy tale lesson in Suolahti library in December
Dive into a fairy tale! Suolahti library story lessons every first Thursday of the month at 10 am.
Suolahti library, children's department
The 5.12.2024
At 10 o'clock
Digitietoisku recording in the Äänekoski main library: Paying by phone and mobile certificate
Did you miss the previous Digibuusti! project's digital data strike or are you having trouble watching the data strike recording on your own device? In the youth section of the Äänekoski main library, the previous...
Äänekoski main library, youth department
Ti 10.12.2024
At 17 o'clock
Book evening at the Äänekoski main library in December
Embroidery evenings held by Mari Moisio in the Äänekoski main library in the fall of 2024, with the theme "Men's turn".
Äänekoski main library, youth department
The 12.12.2024
At 17.30 o'clock
Board game club in Äänekoski main library (October 16.12)
Hello youth, adult or young adult - welcome to the open board game club of the Äänekoski main library!
Äänekoski main library
My 16.12.2024
From 16:18 to XNUMX:XNUMX
Short story hook at the Äänekoski main library in December
In the short story hook, you make your own crafts and listen to short stories read aloud. You can also come just to listen and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee at the same time!
Äänekoski main library
The 19.12.2024
from 17.30:18.30 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m