Children's hobby opportunities

At Äänekoski, you can enjoy a wide range of activities from music, visual arts and theater. Sports clubs and organizations also organize exercise and sports activities in the city's sports facilities; the range of species is huge.

Art hobby

  • goal-oriented visual art hobby for children and young people, basic art education at Kukkula visual arts school

Youth services

  • offers versatile open hobby activities. The city's youth services rents band spaces and offers low-threshold music hobby, as well as other hobby activities.

Enjoying music

  • Ala-Keitele's music school: various opportunities from private lessons to group teaching, music house activities (formerly music club activities), goal-oriented music hobby for children and young people, basic art education

  • Koskela school: muscari for 0-3 year olds, various opportunities from private lessons to choir or band hobby

Enjoying dancing

  • Koskela school has various group classes and the opportunity to practice numerous dance genres
  • Koskela school organizes goal-oriented dance hobby for children and young people, basic art education

Doing theater

  • Koskela College's drama groups

  • Äänekoski theater

Sports hobbies

  • the city's sports facilities are for independent use by the citizens; In the sports facilities, I also organize group exercise for all ages, including exercise for special children, adults and seniors

  • sports clubs and organizations organize exercise and sports activities in the city's sports facilities; the range of species is huge

  • Koskela college has numerous sports groups for different ages

Families with children