Информационные страницы города для клиентоприемного центра беженцев Янекоски
On this page, we will collect relevant information for the clients of the reception center of the refugees. Добро жаловать в город Янекоски!
The war in Ukraine affects the life of many people and in Yanekoski. На еготип правилось собрана информацион об узонужах, which offer г. Yanekoski and other organizations for refugees from Ukraine.
Миграционнаяслужба Финляндии на свойх страницах migri.fi/ukraina I collected instructions for people who fled from Ukraine, and for those who want to help them.
Контактные данные приеменого центра беженцевЯнекоски
tel. 044 7777 210 (from 8 a.m. to 22 p.m.)
Новости Yle на украинском языке
Новости финскойтелерадиокомпании Yle offer useful and interesting information about Finland. Additional information on pages: https://yle.fi/novyny or https://www.facebook.com/ylenovyny/
Кризисный центр Mobile - оказание профессиональнойпомощи в кризизных ситуатиях
tel. 044 7888 470 (Mon. - Thu. 8-20, Fri. 8-17)
Дежурная социально-кризисная служба
In the on-call social-crisis service, assistance is provided around the clock.
tel. 014 266 0149
Instructions for waste sorting
You will find instructions for waste sorting on this link (text in English language).
The collection point for Slava Ukraini is located at Kautonkatu 3, Äänekoski.
Приемный центрбеженцев provides its clients with basic needs.
Consultation point for immigrants
В консультациидля иммигрантеров г. In any case, you can ask the council for the following questions: accommodation, work, education (Finnish language, professional education), residence permit in Finland, social protection, medical treatment, and other everyday questions. Consulting services are provided for free.
Address: ImmigrantInformation Service Äänekoski, (Семейный центр Perhekeskus Kerkkä), Koulunmäenkatu 6A, Äänekoski
Работает: противникам с 14 до 16 часов (Алмира Пакаринен) и по четвергам с 13 до 16 (КайЛатокартано).
Contact data:
Кай Латокартано(Kay Latokartano), tel. 040 146 1055
Альмира Pakarinen(Almira Pakarinen), tel. 040 831 5073
electronic address: immigrant.info@aanekoski.fi
Preschool education and education for children, language training for adults
The city of Yanekoski takes care of providing preschool education and education to children living in the reception center. The training, which prepares children for co-education in the secondary school, will begin in the fall of 2022. В подготовительном учинииупор на учинее финского языка и культуры.
За языковоеобучение взрошовые в центр трудоустройства региона Центральной Финляндии вспоздать. Янекоски.
Free events
В Янекоскипроходят многочисленные межавления, на компьютер все желающие! Всемероприятия можно найти в календаре мереоприятия Янекоски, а в бесплатныемероприятия добавлено коротное деспрессия на английский языке.
Календарьмероприятий Янекоски opens on this link: https://www.aanekoski.fi/tapahtumakalenteri
Link to the English version of the Visit Äänekoski portal: https://en.visitaanekoski.fi
Working with youth
To please children, teenagers and families, the city of Yanekoski offers youth work for clients of the reception center.
Работники отделамобильной работы с молодежью Kesäkaara regularly invite residents of the reception center to take part in different activities. Activity is carried out for free. Kesakaara tel. 040 5871606, electronic address: kesakaara@aanekoski.fi
Молодежный центрSpotti Мероприятия для детей и дросточный, activity is free. Address: Kotakennääntie 21, 44100 Äänekoski, tel. 0400 115 175 / 040 767 3172
Дом молодежиСуолахти Мероприятия для детей и дросточный, the activity is free. Address: Kellosepänkatu 21, Suolahti, tel. 040754 9705 / 0400 115 441
Игровые парки
All games are free to park.
Pools (and gyms)
Clients of the refugee reception center receive free tickets in their center for visiting the swimming pool in Yanekoski VesiVelho (address: Koulunmäenkatu 2) and the pool in Suolahti (address: Telakkakatu 15).
Пункт удаленной работы ÄäneHub
ÄäneHub - open for everyone and free room for busy work. ÄäneHub is suitable for entrepreneurs, self-employed, doing remote work, interested in entrepreneurship and for students. Ползование помечением программы бесплатно.
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The city's information pages for customers of the Äänekoski reception center
On this page, we collect current information for the residents of the Äänekoski reception center. The city of Äänekoski warmly welcomes you all!
The war in Ukraine affects the lives of many in Äänekoski as well. This page contains information on what services the city of Äänekoski and other operators offer to those fleeing the war in Ukraine.
The Finnish Immigration Service has compiled on its website migri.fi/ukraina instructions for those who fled Ukraine and the people who help them.
Contact information for the reception center in Äänekoski
tel. 044 7777 210 (8am-22pm)
News Yle in Ukrainian
Yle news in Ukrainian provides useful and interesting information that makes everyday life easier in Finland. Read more on the pages: https://yle.fi/novynyor https://www.facebook.com/ylenovyny/
Kriisikeskus Mobile – Professional help in a crisis
tel. 044 7888 470 (Mon-Thurs 8-20, Fri 8-17)
Social and crisis emergency
You can get help from the social and crisis emergency service around the clock.
tel. 014 266 0149
Waste sorting instructions
You can find waste sorting instructions at this link (with English text).
The Slava Ukraini donation point is located at Kautonkatu 3, Äänekoski. Donations to the clients of the reception center are discussed in the Facebook groups: "Help for Ukrainian refugees in Ääneeudu" and "Help for Ukrainian refugees Äänekoski/Помощь украйнцам Äänekoski".
The reception center takes care of the basic needs of its customers.
Advice center for immigrants
You can ask for advice from the Äänekoski city's immigrant advice center, e.g. housing, work, education (Finnish language, vocational training), residence permits, social security, health care and other everyday matters. The counseling service is free.
Address: Immigrant Information Service Äänekoski, (Family Center Kerkkä), Koulunmäenkatu 6A, Äänekoski
Open: Mondays from 14:16 to 13:16 (Almira Pakarinen) and Thursdays from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX (Kay Latokartano).
Advisers' contact information:
Kay Latokartano, tel. 040 146 1055
Almira Pakarinen, tel. 040 831 5073
e-mail immigrant.info@aanekoski.fi
Early childhood education and teaching services for children, language training for adults
The city of Äänekoski takes care of the reception center's early childhood education and teaching services for children and young people. Children's preparatory education for basic education will begin in autumn 2022. In preparatory basic education, teaching will focus on the Finnish language and Finnish culture.
Language training for adults is the responsibility of the Central Finland TE office for adults. You can also get more information about language training from the immigration advice point in the city of Äänekoski.
Free events
Äänekoski has a lot of nice free events, to which everyone is welcome! All events can be found in Äänekoski's event calendar, and a short English description has been added to the free events.
Äänekoski's event calendar can be found at this link. https://www.aanekoski.fi/tapahtumakalenteri
Visit Äänekoski's English link can be found here: https://en.visitaanekoski.fi/
Youth work
The city of Äänekoski brings youth work to the clients of the reception center to make children, young people and families happy.
The employees of "Kesäkaara" regularly invite customers of the reception center to participate in the activity. The activity is free. Kesäkaara phone 040 5871606, email kesakaara@aanekoski.fi
Youth Center Spotti. Events for children and young people, the activity is free. Address: Kotakennaäntie 21, 44100 Äänekoski, tel. 0400 115 175 / 040 767 3172
Suolahti youth farm. Events for children and young people, the activity is free. Address: Kellosepänkatu 21, Suolahti, tel. 040 754 9705 / 0400 115 441
All playgrounds are free for everyone to use.
Swimming pools (and gyms)
Customers of the reception center receive free tickets to Äänekoski swimming pool VesiVelho (address Koulunmäenkatu 2) and Suolahti swimming pool (address Telakkakatu 15) from the reception center.
ÄäneHub's remote workstation
ÄäneHub is a free workspace open to everyone. ÄäneHub is suitable for entrepreneurs, self-employed people, remote workers and students interested in entrepreneurship. Use of the space is free of charge.