Summer jobs for young people

boys at summer jobs
The 2025 summer job search begins in February. On this page you will find additional information and links to application forms for 2025 summer jobs and summer entrepreneurship vouchers. We will also announce the summer job search on the city's social media channels.

Summer job campaign

The city of Äänekoski employs all willing young people finishing the 9th grade either for summer jobs, with a summer work voucher or a summer entrepreneurship voucher. In addition, we employ a varying number of older young people within the budget in different units of the city. 

We try to take into account the wishes of young people regarding work tasks, but this is not always possible. The summer jobs are divided into four periods for June and July.

The summer work campaign of the city of Äänekoski offers young people summer jobs and supports young people's independent employment in the form of summer entrepreneurship and summer work vouchers. The campaign also supports companies and associations that employ young people for the summer. 

A young person can benefit from only one form of summer employment mentioned on this page! 

The use of summer employment and summer entrepreneurship voucher is prioritized as follows: 

  1. Priority will be given to all willing young people finishing 9th grade (city summer job, summer entrepreneurship voucher, summer job voucher).
  2. According to need/vacancies, older young people born in 2006-2008 (city summer job).
  3. Summer entrepreneurship vouchers and summer work vouchers are granted to older young people in the order of application and within the limits of the budget.
  4. A summer entrepreneurship voucher is awarded to 8th graders in the order of application and within the limits of the budget. 

Summer job campaign for young people finishing 9th grade, application period 10.2. - 16.3.2025

The city of Äänekoski employs all willing 9th graders who have applied for a summer job in the city through Kuntarekry for 2-week (10 working days) employment for June-July.

  • Work period: 2 weeks (10 working days)
  • Palkka 410€. (Huom! 17 vuotta täyttäneeltä peritään palkasta työttömyysvakuutus- ja työeläkevakuutusmaksut.)
  • Information about summer jobs will be announced on April 30.4. by.
  • More detailed job descriptions can be found in the job advertisement in Kuntarekry.

Summer employment of older youth for city jobs, application period 10.2. - 16.3.2025

The city of Äänekoski also employs, within the budget, older young people who applied through Kuntarekry, born in 2006-08, for 4-week (20 working days) employment during June-August.

  • Work period: 4 weeks (20 working days)
  • Salary: in 2024 approx. €780, summer 2025 salary will be confirmed during the spring. (Note: unemployment insurance and occupational pension insurance premiums are collected from the salary of those who have turned 17.)
  • The selection of older young people is done by drawing lots from among applicants who meet the criteria. Young people applying for guidance positions may be invited to an interview.
  • Information about the summer job will be announced on April 30.4. by. Some places still become available after this, in which case the person next on the list will be notified as soon as possible.
  • More detailed job descriptions can be found in the job advertisement in Kuntarekry. 

Summer entrepreneurship voucher for young entrepreneurs. Application period 10.2. - 13.4.2025

If you are a young person born in 2007-2010 and are self-employed as an entrepreneur in June-July (4H company, light entrepreneurship), you can apply for a summer entrepreneurship voucher from the city. The city will pay 250 euros to support your company's operations. Applications are processed in two batches. 

FIRST APPLICATION 10.2. - 28.2.2025 February XNUMX

Intended for summer entrepreneurs who were granted a summer entrepreneurship voucher the previous summer and who plan to continue their activities in the summer of 2025. Young people who have completed business training earlier can also apply for a summer entrepreneurship voucher. The support is paid in March-April.

SECOND APPLICATION 1.3. - 13.4.2025

Longer application period for summer entrepreneurs who only complete business training in the spring. Those who have already completed the training and did not apply in the first application phase can also apply for the summer entrepreneurship voucher. The support will be paid in May.


  • You have completed business training either through the 4H association or as an optional course at school (provide a certificate of completion of the course taken at school as an attachment to the application). More information and registration for training
  • You make a business plan for your company's operations. (The business plan is made, for example, in business training organized by the 4H association).
  • You commit to reporting on the summer's business activities in the fall. Reporting form

A summer entrepreneurship voucher is not granted to a young person who gets a job in the city's summer jobs, or if he gets a job in an Äänekoskela company or association with a summer job voucher.

You can apply for a summer entrepreneurship voucher in several consecutive years. The application may be rejected if the voucher was issued in the previous year but no business activity was carried out.

The decision to grant or reject support will be sent to the email address given in the application when the decision has been made. Support is granted as long as there are enough funds in the order of application and prioritization.

Summer work voucher for the employer, application period 10.2. - 11.5.2025 May XNUMX

An association or company operating in Äänekoske or in the area (domicile and/or office, production plant, shop, construction site, etc.) that employs a young person born in 2007-2009 for summer work, can apply for support from the city for the young person's salary costs.


  • 2 euros for an employment relationship of at least 10 weeks (250 working days).
  • 4 euros for an employment relationship of at least 20 weeks (400 working days). The employment relationship can be longer, but it does not affect the amount of support.

The summer work voucher is covered by de minimis support.

A young person hired for summer work must be paid salary according to the industry's collective agreement, as well as taking care of other statutory employer obligations (social costs, accident insurance, etc.). A summer work voucher cannot cover the entire salary costs.

If there is no applicable collective agreement, the salary must be at least the amount that the conditions regarding the salary of the employment condition referred to in chapter 5, section 4, subsection 3 of the Unemployment Security Act are met. 

A private economy, family or private person cannot act as an employer. 

Support is paid to the employer retroactively after the summer work period, when the employer has delivered a copy of the salary receipt to the summer work supervisor by August 17.8.2025, XNUMX.

A young person employed by a company or association can only benefit from one summer work voucher in the same year. Support is also not granted for the employment of a self-employed young person with a summer entrepreneurship voucher or if the young person is employed in the city's summer jobs.

The decision to grant or reject support will be sent to the email address given in the application when the decision has been made. Support is granted as long as there are enough funds in the order of application and prioritization. 

For more information:

Summer work instructor Outi Ojanen
040 168 7014 (Mon-Fri 9am-15pm)

Äänekoski services