Job seekers
As a customer of the North Central Finland employment area, you can get help and support for your employment as well as information about open jobs, training and other opportunities.
You can register as a job seeker Job market market Transaction - section. If you become unemployed or are laid off, register as a job seeker as soon as possible. We will contact you personally after your registration. Read more about registering as a job seeker here.
Due to the reform, error situations may still occur in the electronic service of the job market. If you are unable to handle your case or register as an unemployed jobseeker due to an error, try again later or leave a contact request at Työmarkkinatori. Things left unhandled due to error situations can be corrected afterwards.
The employment authority, i.e. the Employment Region of North Central Finland, does not send messages containing links that require you to log in with your bank details!
Jobseeker Services contact information
- Job seeker services 040 757 1653 (weekdays Mon-Fri 9am-15pm). The service number is closed on public holidays, Christmas and Midsummer Eve and other public holidays.
- Personal customers (We provide services via email for general matters, but for matters related to your own job search and containing personal data, we use the following channels: Tiromarkkinatori's electronic Transaction service, phone service and appointment by appointment.)
- Please note that confidential information or documents may not be sent in a standard email or as an attachment. Confidential information is e.g. information about an individual's state of health, social or economic status or family relationships. Business secrets of companies can also be confidential information. Confidential information and documents can be sent to the city via the Securemail secure mail service. The sender must first register the email address they use in Securemail. Registration is free of charge. Instructions for using the secure mail service: Securemail security mail service
- There is an electronic transaction channel for the job seeker From the job market. On the job market, job seekers can search for jobs and employers can search for employees.
- You can find the locations here
- You can find the website of the Northern Central Finland employment region at You can also find information about employment services on the websites of each municipality.
- Postal address: City of Äänekoski, Northern Central Finland employment area, Hallintokatu 4, 44100 Äänekoski
- The employment authority, i.e. the Employment Region of North Central Finland, does not send messages containing links that require you to log in with your bank details!
The Northern Central Finland employment region will organize employment services from January 1.1.2025, XNUMX for the residents of Äänekoski, Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevesi, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtiputaa, Saarijärvi, Uurainten and Viitasaari.

Services for jobseekers
As a job seeker, you have many different opportunities to develop your own skills or try something completely new. If you are an unemployed job seeker, you have the opportunity to use various services to support your job search. Contact us and we will discuss which services are possible for you.
More information about services to support your job search From the website of the job market.
The forms for the Northern Central Finland employment area can be found From the website. We will update more detailed links at the beginning of 2025.
Employment area information and advisory services
When you need more information about employment services, you can get information and advice from the Northern Central Finland employment area, for example about job search, training opportunities, labor availability and procurement, the labor market, entrepreneurship and services related to change security.
Read more about job search advice and guidance here.
Advice and support in change and termination situations
Employees and employers receive advice and support from us in situations of changes in the employment relationship and dismissal.
Read more about counseling in the event of dismissal.
Immigrant job seekers
Jobseekers who have immigrated to the employment area have access to all jobseeker services. In addition, we offer targeted services, such as integration training and social orientation. By registering as a job seeker, you start your job search and customer service in employment services. We assess what kind of integration and employment support services you need.
Read more about employment services for immigrants here.
Vocational guidance and career planning
Vocational selection and career guidance help you evaluate career, education or work options. Guidance is a discretionary service of the employment area. Contact us and ask more about career choice and career guidance.
Read more about career choice and career guidance here.
Work trial
With a work trial, you can find out about career choices and career options in practical tasks. With a work trial, you can also support your return to working life. Contact us and ask if it is possible for you to participate in the work trial.
Read more about the work trial here.
Wage support
Wage support is financial support for the employer for the wage costs of an unemployed job seeker. Employers can be granted financial support if the person to be hired is unemployed or the person's disability or illness makes it difficult to find employment on the open labor market. Wage support is granted if the valid conditions are met and within the budget.
The 2025 employment appropriations for wage support have been used, so it is not possible to grant support. The next time the allocation situation will be reviewed in August 2025 and the situation will be announced on the employment area's website and social media channels.
Read more about salary support here.
Starting money
Start-up money secures your livelihood during the start-up and establishment phase of business operations. Start-up money is a discretionary support aimed at a starting entrepreneur.
Read more about starting money here.
Employment support for those over 55 years of age
Employment support is a financial support to the employer for the wage costs of an unemployed job seeker who has reached the age of 55. Apply for support well in advance of starting the employment relationship. The employment relationship can only start when a decision on support has been made.
Read more about employment support for those over 55 here.
Extended change protection for employees over the age of 55
In the event of a layoff, those over 55 years of age can receive extended change protection services, which help them quickly find employment again.
Read more about extended change protection here.
Being unemployed, you have many different opportunities to develop your own skills or try something completely new. If you are planning studies or have already applied to study, contact us immediately and ask if it is possible for you to study voluntarily with unemployment benefits, for example.
Read more about training here.
Training sessions
As an unemployed person, you have the opportunity to participate in various training programs that promote employment. There are three options for coaching: job search coaching, job coaching and career coaching. The trainings are discretionary services of the employment area. Contact us and ask if it is possible for you to receive coaching.
Read more about coaching here.
Workforce training
With workforce training, you develop your professional skills and promote your employment. You can find the workforce trainings in the search From the job market.
Read more about workforce training here.
Job search in another EU or EEA country or Switzerland
As an unemployed job seeker, you can go to another EU or EEA country or Switzerland for three months to look for a job and receive unemployment benefit from Finland. Let us know well in advance of the fact that you are going to look for a job in another country.
Read more about job hunting in an EU or EEA country or in Switzerland here.
Employers and job seekers can find information related to internationality on, for example, these websites:
Multidisciplinary services promote employment
If you need a wide-ranging service to support your employment, you can get support from multi-disciplinary services. Contact us and ask if it is possible to direct you to the services of the multidisciplinary support cooperation model that promotes employment.
Read more about multidisciplinary services here.
Certificate for part-time job seekers
If you have a disability or illness that affects your employment, you can request a certificate for a partially capable job seeker from the labor authority. Present a valid doctor's report to the Northern Central Finland employment area about an illness or injury that affects your ability to work.
Read more about requesting a certificate.
Discretionary expense reimbursement
You can receive discretionary expense compensation if you incur costs for participating in the service and you are not entitled to unemployment benefits.
Read more about reimbursement here.
Reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs
You can apply for compensation for travel and accommodation expenses when you apply for a job or participate in a service that promotes employment.
Read more about cost reimbursement here.
Familiarize yourself with the terms!
Job centre, employment office or employment district?
The beloved child has many names, but who are we really, who do the employment services we provide affect, and what should we be called? Are we a job agency, an employment office, a former TE office, or something else entirely?
An employment area means a joint employment service formed by one or more municipalities. If an employment area has several municipalities, one of the municipalities is usually responsible for organizing services for all municipalities in the employment area. In the employment area of northern Central Finland, services are organized from Äänekoski, but the services are equally intended for residents of Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karst, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevete, Kyyjärvi, Lauka, Pihtipuda, Saarijärvi, Uura and Viitasaari.
The TE office, or the Employment and Economic Development Office, no longer exists. TE services and municipal experiments ended at the end of 2024, and employment areas began operating. Although the Äänekoski TE office or municipal experiment still sometimes comes up in residents' conversations, such a service no longer exists. The Northern Central Finland employment area now operates in Äänekoski and the 13 municipalities in the area.
But don't worry, whether you call us a job agency, employment office or employment district, we support and advise all job seekers, entrepreneurs and employers, whether it's unemployment, a change in industry, layoffs, dismissals or other changing situations.