Contact information for employment services

Counseling of employment services for job seekers

Tel. +040 757 1653 XNUMX
Telephone service open on weekdays from 9 am to 15 pm (note different opening hours)

Employment services counseling for employers

Tel. +040 484 1020 XNUMX
The telephone service is open on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 15 p.m

Registry of employment services

Employment/register office, Hallintokatu 4, 44100 Äänekoski

Sending emails

All official e-mail intended for the city (e.g. applications, offers, proposals, information requests and correction requests) should be sent to the e-mail address of the city registry office

Please note that confidential information or documents may not be sent in a standard e-mail message or as an attachment. Confidential information includes, for example, information about an individual's health, social or economic status, or family relationships. Business secrets of companies can also be confidential information.

Confidential information and documents can be sent to the city via the Securemail secure mail service. The sender must first register the email address they use in Securemail. Registration is free of charge. Instructions for using the secure mail service.

Securemail security mail service

The e-mail addresses of city personnel are in the format (Remove the dots from alphabets, i.e. å>a, ä>a, ö>o.)

Jyväskylä regional employment experiment, Äänekoski business center 

Hallintokatu 4, 44100 Äänekoski
Postal address: City of Äänekoski, employment/registry office, Hallintokatu 4, 44100 Äänekoski

  • Responsible instructor Anna Lyytikäinen 040 832 1172
  • Personal trainer Pirkko Heinänen 040 187 6075
  • Personal trainer Katja Huttula 050 478 5034 (TYP)
  • Personal trainer Laura Ilves 040 198 1579 (TYP)
  • Personal trainer Irina Kraft 040 185 3977
  • Personal trainer Elina Pölkki 050 452 6642 
  • Personal trainer Erkki Savela 050 396 1832
  • Personal trainer Terttu Välipakka 050 471 9629 (TYP)
  • Personal trainer Tuija Telanne 050 307 2389 (TYP)
  • Personal trainer Joni Ilmonen 050 462 7358 (TYP)
  • Personal trainer Asta Kantonen 040 773 6705
  • Immigrant Services personal trainer Taina Tammelin-Laine 050 478 7592,
  • Personal trainer of the service for temporary protection clients living in Äänekoski Irina Mikkonen 050 305 0038
  • Office assistant Lotta Liimatainen 0400 115 711
  • Office secretary Kirsi Uusitalo-Leppänen 040 848 5318

Emails in the format:

 Preparation of the Northern Central Finland employment area 

  • Employment regional director Tiina Mäenpää 040 159 2610 
  • Project director Riikka Hytönen 040 194 6100
  • Project coordinator Anja Rein 040 357 5090
  • Project coordinator Merja Sihvonen 040 677 2151
  • Project coordinator Reetta Uusitalo 040 543 9512

Emails in the format:

Follow Information about the preparation of the Northern Central Finland employment area here.

ZOOM Äänekoski workshop

Maintenance group and real estate group: os. Aatulantie 32, 44200 Suolahti
Media Center and Laundry: os. Aatulantie 34, 44200 Suolahti

  • Responsible coach Arto Rauhala 0400 958 610
  • Supervisor Ari Kautto (maintenance group) 040 192 7983
  • Supervisor Marja-Liisa Mannström (real estate group) 0400 474 203
  • Director Jouni Salminen (media center) 040 529 5743
  • Laundry 0400 115 281

Emails in the format:

Individual and start coaching

Os. Terveyskatu 10, 44100 Äänekoski 

  • Start coach Maarit Mäntymaa 0400 115 682
  • Personal trainer Liisa Launis 040 514 2890


Employment services