Labor market square
At Työmarkkinatori you can find information content, services and open jobs related to working life. Log in and create a job search profile or job advertisement.
The job market website serves the employers and personal customers of Tunakoski in different stages of working life. Työmarkkinatori is a working life service implemented by the KEHA Center and the Ministry of Labor and the Economy, which is built in stages. Työmarkkinatori offers a common service to public, private and third-sector providers of working life and education services, as well as to jobs on different employment platforms.
Services for employers and entrepreneurs
You can get factors and information for your company's situations and to support your work performance at the job market. Log in and browse job seekers or create a job advertisement, and you will receive suggestions of the most suitable job seekers. In addition, you can do business with TE services, such as applying for wage support and submitting a payment application, in TE services' Oma transaction. Without logging in, you can leave a job advertisement with an open form for processing by the local TE office.
Services for personal customers
You can get jobs and information for all career stages and to support working life at the job market. You can also browse jobs or create a job search profile, which allows you to get suggestions on the most suitable jobs. You can also get more information about work trial opportunities, workforce training and coaching from Työmarkkinatori. In addition, you can register as a job seeker, report a change in your employment situation or apply for start-up money and apply for workforce training in TE services' Oma asio.