Help and support
We gathered together the support services of different operators in the Äänekoski area. Here you will find help for a sudden crisis situation as well as instructions on how to make permanent changes to your lifestyle.
We gathered together the support services of different operators in the Äänekoski area. Here you will find help for a sudden crisis situation as well as instructions on how to make permanent changes to your lifestyle.
On this page, you can find Äänekoski's health, social, and rescue service offices, phone numbers, and online communication channels. The welfare area's switchboard 014 269 1811 (weekdays 7.00:18.00 a.m.−8.00:16.00 p.m., weekends XNUMX:XNUMX a.m.−XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.).
Young people aged 18-29 who have moved from Äänekoski to study elsewhere are entitled to an annual study scholarship if they keep Äänekoski as their home municipality. For the spring application, the student's municipality of residence must be Äänekoski already before the turn of the year.
Pohjoisen Keski-Suomen työllisyysalueen alkuvuoden ruuhkat ovat helpottuneet.
The City of Äänekoski is organizing a youth advocacy week and four discussion events will be held for young people next week. The advocacy week is part of the City of Äänekoski's efforts to promote the well-being of young people and to implement participatory budgeting for young people. The city is once again allocating 25 euros directly to activities that meet the wishes of young people.
Influence things in Äänekoski! In addition to general elections, residents of the municipality, associations and foundations operating in the municipality, as well as those who own or control immovable property in the municipality, have the right to take initiatives in matters concerning the operation of the municipality.
The city of Äänekoski strives to promote traffic safety in all its activities. We carry out traffic safety work, e.g. in teaching and education, urban structure services, youth and sports services, and communication.
All Äänekoski libraries have their own nepsy shelf, where you can find books related to the topic and information about nepsy matters.
Äänekoski all 1.-9. the classes use a well-being skills curriculum called Good growth, which provides the structures and foundations for how schools can systematically and consistently strengthen the well-being of children and young people. At the same time, the marginalization of young people can be prevented. A large part of the materials of the well-being skills curriculum can also be used in early childhood education and pre-school education.
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