Social and health organizations
The city of Äänekoski publishes the contact information of local associations on the city's website based on the information provided by the associations. In accordance with the protection of the Personal Data Act, the disclosure of such information requires the consent of the person concerned. The associations themselves must take care of updating the information whenever the information changes. We reserve the right to delete the information of non-updated organizations.
Reporting the association's information
Publishing on the city's website the condition is approval confirmed by the person's signature. Without such consent, contact information will not be made public. Therefore, information cannot be delivered by e-mail or telephone alone.
You can give additions and changes on the organization information form Listen. The form will be sent signed to the cultural and sports office, Kalevankatu 2, 44100 Äänekoski or by e-mail as a scanned attachment culture[at]
Eläkeliiton Äänekoski association
Leila Lindell (president)
Metsäkatu 23, 44120 Äänekoski
040 356 5899, leila.lindell[at]
Suolahti Subdivision of the Fallen Omaiset ry
Ritva Koskinen (secretary/treasurer)
Suojärvenranta 3, 44200 Suolahti
040 568 7074, ritva.koskinen[at]
Central Finland Allergy and Asthma Association
Tiina Tarvainen (executive director)
Vapaudenkatu 24 B, 40100 Jyväskylä
040 728 0394, association[at]
Central Finland Kidney and Liver Association KEMUSI Ry Ääneseudu club
Maija Piitulainen (vice president and club leader)
Sorinkuja 4, 44200 Suolahti
040 750 3950, maija.piitulainen[at]
Konginkanka Pensioners Association
Pentti Kinnunen (chairman)
Suonpäantie 4, 44400 Konginkangas
040 753 0145, pt.kinnunen[at]
MLL Suolahti
MLL Äänekoski
Jonna Brandt
Sisä-Suomen Diabetesyhdistys ry
Tiina Talso (treasurer and member affairs)
Hopepajunkatu 6 A 1, 44200 Suolahti
040 564 6341, talsotiina[at]
Sisä-Suomen Kulonhuolto ry
Liisa Ikonen (secretary)
Peltolantie 98, 44190 Parantala
050 370 9131, liisamaria.ikonen[at]
Sumiainen Eläkeläiset ry
Eila Närhi (secretary/treasurer)
Matilanvirrantie 567, 44280 Sumiainen
050 3371 380, narhieilas[at]
Suolahten Pensioners Association
Suolahti Pensioners Association
Eino Jämsen (chairman)
Asemakatu 3 A 1, 44200 Suolahti
0400 775 022, eino.jamsen[at]
Helena Hänninen (secretary)
Asemakatu 3 A 4, 44200 Suolahti
040 518 7826, hanninen.h[at]
Finnish Red Cross Äänekoski branch
Mervi Oksanen (secretary)
040 592 0113, meroksan[at]
Äänekoski Pensioners Association
Nurmi Eila (secretary)
Terveyskatu 21 as. 29, 44100 Äänekoski
040 751 2471, e.nurmi[at]
Äänekoski Pensioners Association
Äänekoski national seniors association
Äänekoski Reumayhdistys ry
Leila Muli (chairman)
Lantelantie 68, 44150 Äänekoski
040 591 6172, muli.leila[at]
Äänekoski Seudun Invalidit ry
Juha Salostie, chairman
Matinkatu 7, 44200 Suolahti
040 722 9324, juha.salostie[at]
Raili Salostie, secretary
Hopepajunkatu 7 A 2, 44200 Suolahti
0400 681 854
Ilona ry of Ääneseudun
Leena Snellman (chairman)
Kotakennaäntie 2, 44100 Äänekoski
040 769 8351, leena.snellman01[at]
The MS club of the constituency
Sirpa Sauriala (treasurer)
Kotakennaäntie 13 as 1, 44100 Äänekoski
050 518 3159, sirpa.sauriala[at]
Ääneseudun Omaishoitat ry
Sammonkatu 2, 44100 Äänekoski
Kirsi Uusitalo-Leppänen (chairman)
0400 452 609
Suvi Tikander (secretary)
040 728 9480, suvi.tikander[at]
Ääneseudun Sydänyhdistys ry
email: aaneseutu[at]
Seppo Kautto, chairman
Kylmäkorventie 7, 44150 Äänekoski
tel. 040 755 7057, kautoseppo[at]
Riitta Keurulainen, secretary
Mäntykatu 3, 44200 Suolahti
tel. 040 515 2854, riitta.keuru[at]