Basic information of Äänekoski city

Äänekoski - The future lives here
Äänekoski is a city of many possibilities. Äänekoski is the central city of northern Central Finland and the center of the biocircular economy, where untamed nature and high technology meet.
Äänekoski, with about 18 inhabitants, is a modern and lively industrial town at the southern end of Keitele, about half an hour's drive from Jyväskylä. Comprehensive services, diverse cultural and sports activities, a functioning kindergarten and school network, and smooth transport connections make the city attractive and offer the opportunity for a good life. The proximity of the water bodies gives a distinctive atmosphere and the lake nature is an important part of the city's identity.
The city of Äänekoski is a stable employer, and with its strong industry, the city's job self-sufficiency is constantly over 100 percent.
The city of Äänekoski
Äänekoski is a modern and vibrant industrial city on the shores of Lake Keitele, about a half-hour drive from Jyväskylä. In Äänekoski, high technology meets untamed nature.
There are over 1000 companies operating and around 18 inhabitants living in Äänekoski. Äänekoski is strongly oriented towards export industries and is the home to many internationally known hi-tech products. Local companies are global leaders in the fields of forestry, bio and technology. The slogan of Äänekoski is: The future lives here. Our secret lies in modern industry, international innovations and successful factories.
A wide range of shops and services, cultural and sports activities, a great network of kindergartens and schools, and excellent transport connections make our town attractive. Äänekoski is a real sports and cultural city with something for everyone!
Be captivated by the peace of nature. Äänekoski is a city in the embrace of nature. The lake nature is an important part of our identity. On the shores of Keitele you can do sports, exercise or calm down. The landscapes of Äänekoski can also be seen in the works of Akseli Gallen-Kallela! They immortalized Äänekoski's sparkling lakescapes in his paintings.
The best tips for experiencing Äänekoski can be found at
Welcome to Äänekoski!

Äänekoski municipal card (link)
Äänekoski city brochure (link)
Long live the villages brochure (link)
Äänekoski City Sustainable Life Guide for residents (pdf)
Surface area
884,57 km of land2
253,81 km of water2
Total 1 m2
Population (31.12.2023) 17
- Under 15s 14,2%
- 15-64 year olds 56,2%
- 65% over 29,6
Tax rates
The income tax rate of the city of Äänekoski in 2025 is 9,40%.
Property tax rates:
- Subject to the general property tax rate: Land 1,30%, Buildings 1,30%
- Permanent residential buildings 0,60%
- Other residential buildings 1,20%
- Power plants 3,10%
- Undeveloped building site 1,30%
- Non-profit organizations 0,00%
The largest companies are Valtra Oy Ab, Metsäliitto Osuuskunta / Metsä Wood, Metsä Board Oyj, Metsä Fiber Oy, Nouryon Chemicals Finland Oy, Meconet Oy, Osuuskauppa Keskimaa and Valio Oy. In total, these companies have approximately 3 jobs. The city of Äänekoski is also a significant employer and the city group employs approximately 000 personnel.
Largest employers (in alphabetical order):
- Central Finland welfare area
- The Central Finland Disability Service Foundation
- Osuuskauppa Keskimaa
- Metsä Board Oyj
- Metsä Fiber Oy
- Metsäliitto Cooperative / Metsä Wood
- Nouryon Chemicals Finland Oy
- Valio Oy
- Valtra Ltd
- Äänekoski Vocational Education Municipal Corporation (Northern Central Finland Learning Center, Poke)
- Äänekoski city
- Äänekoski Kiinteistönhoito Oy

Äänekoski city strategy
Äänekoski's city strategy 2022-2028, or the Äänekoski phenomenon, is implemented together with the residents - together we make Äänekoski a phenomenon. The city of Äänekoski implements its city strategy boldly and openly and by involving the residents in realizing a good life, a sustainable environment and impressive livelihoods. We call the strategy the Äänekoski phenomenon, and we also bravely measure its realization.
The city of Äänekoski has become a model for the Ministry of Finance in its strategic work according to open administration. We have been invited by the Ministry of Finance to present our work, e.g. to other municipalities and representatives of OECD countries.
The city's communication plays an important role in promoting, implementing and making the strategy visible. Äänekoski's genuine strengths are brought out clearly and concretely in communication. The conversation is inspiring and encouraging, close to the person and the resident. Our tone of voice is approachable so that we can involve all residents in the dialogue.
We organize a lot of events involving residents (e.g. phenomenon coffees, village evenings, zoning afternoons, welcome events for new residents, village parliament meetings), we conduct surveys, consultations and invite townspeople to various forums and workshops.
Äänekoski city services
Äänekoski has versatile exercise facilities and affordable hobby opportunities. We have e.g. a new overpressure hall, Finland's most energy-efficient ice rink, a newly completed skating rink and Pump Track track, the newly expanded ski center Äänemäki, multi-purpose arena Pankkari, Liikuntatalo, two swimming halls, several free frisbee golf courses, one of which is a winter course, as well as wonderful nature trails and numerous beaches. And already in November we can ski on the first snow slope!
Especially the hobby opportunities for families with children are excellent in Äänekoski. The newly opened skate park and the Pump Track offer something for the family's speed freaks. The ski resort in Äänemäki has plenty to do all year round. The free frisbee golf courses offer a great setting for practicing around Äänekoski.
Äänekoski is a city of culture and there is something for everyone! Äänekoski has a vibrant range of events for all ages. You can spend your free time in the cinema as well as in cultural and historical settings around the city - also in the footsteps of Akseli Gallen-Kallela. The renovated Kulttuurikeskus Painotalo has wonderful facilities for dance enthusiasts, theater and concerts. Äänekoski Art Museum is open all year round with changing exhibitions and the new cultural history museum is currently being renovated. Äänekoski has four active libraries.
The newly renovated Culture Center Painotalo in Äänekoski offers a great setting for enjoying culture right in the center of Äänekoski. Whether you enjoy music, theater or even dance in your free time, come check out Painotalo's versatile performances!
Comprehensive services for families with children, such as a functioning daycare and school network, offer the opportunity for a good life. We have quality, top-level teaching from pre-school to high school and vocational school. The new C building of Koulunmäki school is an example of modern school construction and it will be completed in 2025. In Äänekoski, we invest in high-quality and good early childhood education and we have new daycare centers, and in Koivisto a new log daycare center will be completed in 2024.
During 2023, those who moved to Äänekoski will be offered great benefits with the new Ämpäreittäin gävä lääämä campaign. In addition to the traditional benefits package for those moving to Äänekoski, those moving to Äänekoski will receive an ecological bucket containing several benefits.
Äänekoski is known for its wonderful nature. There are a total of 13 Natura sites in Äänekoski. They include ridge areas, lush bird waters and the Hitonhauda ravine. Äänekoski has a total of 169 lakes, the largest of which is Keitele.
The city of Äänekoski is doing long-term and impressive climate and environmental work. The goal is to be a carbon-neutral city in 2030. Äänekoski acts as a trend setter for other municipalities by joining the HINKU network in the fall of 2019 as the first municipality in Central Finland. We have made a guide to sustainable living for our residents, which includes easy ways to identify everyday routines and small, appropriate changes in your life situation towards a more sustainable everyday life.
Äänekoski is a city in the lap of nature. With us, you can find plots for those who enjoy the peace of nature and those who wish to have their own beach. Äänekoski constantly has 150 detached plots for sale and beach plots are also available. We also offer plots for leisure apartments and business plots.
Äänekoski has lively, personal and distinctive villages that offer a relaxed way of life for both the residents of the villages and visitors. In small and idyllic communities it is easy to be and live in your own peace, but at the same time versatile services and busy thoroughfares are right next door.
Äänekoski is...
Äänekoski is a city of many possibilities. Äänekoski is the central city of northern Central Finland and the center of the bio-circulation economy, where untamed nature and high technology meet.
Äänekoski, with about 18 inhabitants, is a modern and vibrant industrial town at the southern end of Keitele, half an hour's drive from Jyväskylä. Comprehensive services, diverse cultural and sports activities, a functioning kindergarten and school network, and smooth transport connections make the city attractive and offer the opportunity for a good life. The proximity of the water bodies gives a distinctive atmosphere and the lake nature is important to the identity of the sub-city.
There is good news in Äänekoski! The Äänekoski factory news creates faith in the future, not only here but in the whole of Central Finland and brings vitality to the province and the whole of Finland. Today, Äänekoski is called a wonder city, and our secret lies in modern industry, international innovations and successful factories.
The city of Äänekoski is a stable employer, and thanks to its strong industry, the city's job self-sufficiency is constantly over 100 percent.
Äänekoski's slogan is apt: The future lives here.
Additional information:
Communication specialist
Suvi Kallioinen
040 621 2653