Target grants for sports services

The Director of Culture and Sports grants targeted grants for sports services to associations whose registered office is in Äänekoski and to individuals registered in Äänekoski or to working groups or committees formed by individuals. 

Targeted grants are always partial financing and the applicant is required to provide a self-financed share or other active contribution to the implementation of the activity that is the subject of the grant.

The application period for targeted grants targeting event grants and international competition trips is no later than 5 business days before the start of the activity. The application deadline for course and camp grants, youth sports guidance and grants targeted at the rental costs of sports facilities is December 5.12 each year. by. 

Late applications will not be processed. 

Familiarize yourself with care criteria for awarding targeted grants before making the application.

Target grants are not granted:

  • For companies (e.g. tmi., ky, ay, oy, cooperative)
  • To be distributed further as grants and scholarships
  • For recreational trips
  • For basic education, vocational education, university studies or theses
  • To usage fees charged for city premises or permanent Premises and real estate costs
  • For costs caused by alcohol, tobacco or other intoxicants
  • For food, coffee service or dining costs
  • For religious or party political activities. The religious or ideological background of the association or individuals is not an obstacle to the granting of a targeted grant, if the applicant can demonstrate the ideological neutrality of the activity
  • For activities that are in conflict with the values ​​that the city adheres to
  • To engage in unethical or illegal activity

Target grants are applied for with an electronic form.

Assistance categories

1. Target grant for organizing national or international competition events

- The grant is intended for sports associations from Äänekoski for organizing competition events in Äänekoski

- The organization of series games or other competitions comparable to them is not included in the scope of the grant 

2. Target grant for organizing sports events

- The target grant is intended for associations, individuals or working groups or committees made up of individuals for the organization of general sports events open to all. 

3. Target grant for course, camp, training and coaching expenses of sports clubs

- Target grant is intended for the course, camp, training and coaching costs of the sports clubs in Tunakoski

- The target grant is granted retroactively to the expenses of the past year

- Expense receipts for course, camp, training and coaching expenses to be presented during the application phase

- The grant is distributed in proportion to expenses

- The principle is that whoever educates and gives the most courses also gets the most assistance

- Camps abroad and reward trips are not covered by the grant

4. Target grant for youth sports guidance

- The target grant is intended for sports clubs in the area of ​​Skåne for coaching children under the age of 17 (max. 3 times/week), for one coach/group 

- The target grant is granted retroactively to the expenses of the past year 

- Exercise diary to be presented during the application phase

- Not for individual coaching, in individual sports there must be a group of at least 5 people

5. Target grants to support the rents of paid sports facilities

- Target grant is intended for sports clubs from Äänekoski primarily to cover the rents of paid sports facilities located in Äänekoski.

- The subsidy is not granted to cover the usage fees of facilities owned/managed by the city of Äänekoski

- Subsidy is not granted for camp fees of external premises, competition events or rents of permanent premises (e.g. office or club premises).

- The amount of the grant depends on the number of applicants. A larger number of grant applicants reduces the amount of grant to be distributed.

- The target grant is granted retroactively to the expenses of the past year

6. Target grant for participation in official European championships and world championships of sports organized abroad, or participation in national team camps of the sport organized abroad

- Target grant is intended for athletes to support international competition trips or participation in the national team camp

- The athlete must be registered in Äänekoski and represent a club from Äänekoski

- The grant can be applied for either by a club or by an athlete as an individual

Payment and account settlement

  • The target grant is paid after the decision becomes law
  • The target grant is paid after the activity based on the income and expenditure statement presented by the applicant in the account statement form and related documents (receipts and invoices)
  • At the applicant's request, a maximum of 1000% of the grant over 50 euros can be paid in advance. The condition for the advance payment is that the recipient of the grant has submitted a report on the expenditure and income of the grant target in connection with the application.
  • The payment request must be made in writing by e-mail:
  • An account statement must always be made for the targeted grant, which must be accompanied by vouchers (receipts and invoices) equal to the amount of the granted grant in euros.
  • Account settlement must be done with an electronic form within two months of the realization of the aid target, however no later than 30.11. by. If the activity for which the grant has been granted will only take place in November-December, the schedule for the settlement of accounts will be announced separately in the grant decision.

Acceptable costs

Sports competition events and general sports events: 

  • Fees of judges and officials
  • Travel and accommodation costs
  • Marketing costs
  • Printing and manufacturing costs
  • Material costs
  • Equipment rental costs
  • License fees
  • Temporary facility rental costs (not city-owned or managed facilities)

Liikunta's competition and camp trips abroad:

  • Travel and accommodation costs
  • Participation fees

Costs for course and camp grants, youth sports guidance and sports facilities rental expenses:

  • The costs defined in connection with the grant categories
