Preparation of the Northern Central Finland employment area

Bank bridge.
The responsibility for organizing employment services will be transferred from the state to the municipalities from January 1.1.2025, XNUMX. The transfer of TE services to municipalities is a significant and new statutory task. Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevesi, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtipudas, Saarijärvi, Uurainen, Viitasaari and Äänekoski have established the joint Northern Central Finland employment area, the responsibility of which is the city of Äänekoski. 

TE services will become municipal services on January 1.1.2025, XNUMX 

From the beginning of next year, TE services will be transferred to the municipalities, and the state's employment and business offices, or TE offices, will be abolished. Labor force services will become part of the basic services of every municipality, in the same way as, for example, services related to education or community building. 

With the help of employment services, both individual and business customers receive advice and guidance for job search and employee recruitment as well as competence development. We organize employment services together with the responsible municipality of Äänekoski and Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevesi, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtiputaa, Saarijärvi, Uurainten and Viitasaari and form the North Central Finland employment area.  

What does this change mean? 

If you are already a customer of TE services, you do not need to do anything special, even if the service provider changes at the turn of the year. We will inform you about possible changes on this website and contact you personally if necessary.  

When looking for jobs or employees, you should always log in To the labor market, which serves as a meeting place for works and creators. At Työmarkkinatori you can find information, services and vacancies related to working life. When you log in to Työmarkkinatori, you can create, for example, a job search profile or a job advertisement. You can also find comprehensive instructions for doing business on the job market. 

If you need employment services for the first time, from the beginning of next year 2025, you can always turn to your own municipality and we will help and guide you forward. You can get more information and guidance for job searching or employee recruitment from the service point of your municipality, from the website of the city of Äänekoski, responsible for the employment area, or from the Työmarkkinatori.  

The reform brings services closer to customers

Public labor and business services, i.e. TE services, will be transferred to municipalities from 1.1.2025 January XNUMX. The transfer of TE services has been prepared in cooperation with ministries, TE services, ELY centers, KEHA center, municipalities and other stakeholders.

The central goal of the reform is to bring services closer to customers. Municipalities can more easily offer customers targeted services that suit the needs of the local labor market. The goal is a service structure that promotes the rapid employment of employees in the best possible way and increases the productivity, availability, effectiveness and versatility of work and business services. Equal access to services is taken into account in the reform. The task of TE services is to offer customers services that support job search and employment as well as business activities.

From the beginning of 2025, municipalities have overall responsibility for promoting the integration of immigrants. In the future, the municipality will take care of the integration of immigrants both as job seekers and, for example, taking care of children at home. The goal is to make it easier for immigrants to enter working life.

The common employment area of ​​13 municipalities in northern central Finland

In Central Finland, preparations for the reform of labor and business services have been made in three employment areas. In the employment area of ​​Northern Central Finland, the employment area of ​​Southern Central Finland and the Jyväskylä-Muurame employment area.

The establishment of the Northern Central Finland employment area has been carried out among 13 municipalities in close cooperation with the city of Äänekoski taking the lead. As a responsibility organization, Äänekoski is responsible for the administration of joint activities, organizing, producing and organizing services. In all 13 municipalities, the councils approved the agreement between the municipalities related to the establishment of the employment area and the service organization plan in the fall of 2023. The State Council approved the Northern Central Finland employment area on March 22.3.2024, XNUMX.

Contact information and service points from 1.1.2025 January XNUMX

You can get the service by appointment from your own municipality. The contact person and place of business for jobseekers and business customers may change in connection with the change. 

Contact us if necessary, and we will guide you forward!

Contact information for the Northern Central Finland employment area from 1.1.2025 January XNUMX:

You can find information about employment services on your own municipality's website and on the website. 

In matters related to the job search, you can primarily do business on the website In the My transaction service

If necessary, you can also reach us by phone:

Job seeker services 040 757 1653 

Employer services 040 484 1020

Service points from 1.1.2025 January XNUMX (service by appointment only):

City of Äänekoski, Hallintokatu 4 (main office, also without appointment), 44100 Äänekoski

Laukaa municipality, Arwidssonintie 15–17, 41340 Laukaa 

City of Saarijärvi, Sivulantie 11, 43100 Saarijärvi 

City of Viitasaari, Keskitie 10, 44500 Viitasaari 

Hankasalmi municipality, Kuuhankavedentie 24–26, 41520 Hankasalmi 

Kannonkoski, Järvitie 1, 43300 Kannonkoski 

Karstula, Virastotie 4, 43500 Karstula 

Kinnula, Leenantie 2, 43900 Kinnula 

Kivijärvi, Virastotie 5 A, 43800 Kivijärvi 

Konnevesi, Kauppatie 25, 44300 Konnevesi 

Kyjärvi, Kivirannatie 4, 43700 

Käyjärvi Pihtipudas, Keskustie 9, 44800 Pihtipudas 

Uurainen, Virastotie 4, 41230 Uurainen

The employment manager of the city of Äänekoski acts as a temporary project manager for the preparation of the employment area of ​​Northern Central Finland Riikka Hytönen. Works as project coordinator for employment area preparation until the end of 2024 Merja Sihvonen, Anja Rein ja Reetta Uusitalo. He has been elected as the employment regional director for Northern Central Finland Tiina Mäenpää, who will start his position on 11.11.2024 November XNUMX.

The joint institution of the municipalities for organizing employment services is the Northern Central Finland Employment Regional Board, which is placed in the organization of the city of Äänekoski.

About 65 employees of the state's TE services will be transferred to the responsible municipality in Äänekoski from the beginning of 2025. Around 750 employees work in the city of Äänekoski, of which around 70 people will work in the employment area. 

The task of the employment area: The task of the Northern Central Finland employment area is to produce in the Act on the Organization of Employment Services (380/2023), the Act on the Implementation of the Act on the Organization of Employment Services and Certain Related Acts (383/2023), the Act on the Multidisciplinary Promotion of Employment (381/2023), the tasks assigned to the labor authority in the Unemployment Security Act (1290/2002), the Act on the Promotion of Integration (681/2023).

Goal of the employment area: The customer is offered services that best secure the availability of skilled labor and promote the individual customer's employment in the open labor market and promote the start-up of business operations. 

Organization plan (pdf)

Agreement on the Northern Central Finland employment area (pdf)

You can also follow the preparation on social media with the code #TyöllyssydPohjoinenKS.



For more information:

Project manager
Riikka Hytönen
040 194 6100

Project coordinator
Anja Rein
040 357 5090

Project coordinator 
Merja Sihvonen
040 677 2151

Project coordinator
Reetta Uusitalo
040 543 9512

TE services 2024 reform (TEM)

TE services 2024 reform (Union of Municipalities)

Work and entrepreneurship