Work and business services
(Employment area of Northern Central Finland)
The Northern Central Finland employment area serves job seekers and employers
From 1.1.2025 January 31.12.2024. TE offices and municipal trials ceased on XNUMX December XNUMX. You will receive service primarily through the Työmarkkinattori Asiintin and our telephone service. You can also receive service on site in your own municipality by making an appointment. Contact us and we will guide you forward!
Job seekers: 040 757 1653 (Monday-Friday 9am-15pm), (Do not send personal information via email!)
Employers: 040 484 1020 (Monday-Friday 9 am-15 pm), (Do not send personal information by email!)
Electronic contact (Työ
From the beginning of 2025, the Northern Central Finland employment area will offer a statutory labor service in Hankasalmi, Kannonkoski, Karstula, Kinnula, Kivijärvi, Konnevede, Kyyjärvi, Laukaa, Pihtiputaa, Saarijärvi, Uuraini, Viitasaari and Äänekoski.