Electricity, water and district heating
On the own pages of the companies responsible for electricity distribution in Äänekoski, you can find the current emergency numbers, fault reports and customer service contact information. The city's wholly-owned...

Power outages
In Finland, the electricity situation is managed for the entire country by the grid company Fingrid, which instructs the electricity grid companies to implement local power cuts if there is a threat of power shortage. The regional electricity network companies are communicating the situation to their customers...

Energy supply
Äänekosken's energy supply is the responsibility of the energy company Äänekosken Energia Oy, which is wholly owned by the city. Äänekosken Energia Oy is focused on utilizing renewable energy sources. In this way, almost all the district heating the city needs is produced domestically.

Repair and energy consulting
It is possible to help an elderly person live at home with a variety of modifications - for example, by widening doors, installing ramps and ramps, and installing different handles in rooms. Such modifications increase safety at home.

Waste disposal
Sammakkokangas Oy, jointly owned by the municipalities, handles waste management services in the Äänekoski city area. Sammakkokangas Oy informs about exceptional arrangements, waste fractions to be collected, opening hours of waste centers and campaigns.

Plowing and winter maintenance
The streets of Äänekoski are divided into three maintenance categories and they are plowed and sanded in the order according to the categories. The need for plowing arises on all streets in the maintenance category when about 5 cm of snow has fallen. If the need for plowing arises after 22.00:3.00 p.m., plowing will be started at XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. at the latest.

The smell
The regulations regarding sniffing were renewed at the beginning of 2019. Rescue services no longer have the obligation to arrange sniffing services in their area. In practice, the change means the restriction of doing business by the district zoning system and...

Apartments for rent
Ääneseudu asunnot rents comfortable apartments to the residents of the city of Äänekoski and manages the properties. We own and manage almost 1 apartments, where you can find a suitable home for every life situation.

The police are involved in everyone's everyday life. We are responsible for many permit matters, such as passport applications, and we maintain public order and security.

Emergency services
Our goal is to promote people's safety and to prevent and reduce accidents. The rescue service is responsible for rescue operations and provides first aid services efficiently and economically in the welfare region of Central Finland.

Carpet cleaning stations
The city of Äänekoski has four carpet cleaning places that everyone can freely use.

Äänekoski city market places can be reserved at: https://aanekoski.

Water points
Free water distribution points are available in summer.

Factory integrated safety bulletin
Safety information for residents of the Äänekoski region in case of a major accident. This safety bulletin is given to the residents of the Ääneseud in accordance with the Act on the Safety of Handling Hazardous Chemicals and Explosives (390/2005).

For municipal veterinary services, the city of Äänekoski has an agreement with Jyväskylä environmental health, and Laukaa municipality acts as the service provider.

Found animals
According to Section 247 of the Animal Protection Act (1996/15), the municipality must take care of organizing the temporary care of stray dogs and cats and other similar small companion and hobby animals found and recovered in their territory.

Dog-friendly Äänekoski
Everyday life with a dog in Äänekoski is easy and varied.