Carpet cleaning stations

Brush and sponge
Äänekoski's carpet cleaning locations are opened in the spring, during May, depending on night frosts and the weather. The carpet cleaning stations will be in use until the end of August, and their winter conditioning will begin at the beginning of September. In autumn 2024, the carpet cleaning places will be taken out of use in week 36. 

In the summer, carpet cleaning facilities are available to all residents and leisure residents free of charge. Below you will find the addresses and equipment of the carpet cleaning locations. Dirty water from all carpet washing places is directed to the drain.

Deficiencies/breakages found at carpet cleaning locations can be reported primarily to the city feedback service through. In urgent cases and in the early evening, to the Äänekoski property management on-call.

The free water distribution points available in summer are:

  • In the port of Äänekoski
  • In the port of Suolahti
  • In the port of Sumiainen

A carpet cleaning place in the Äänekoski agglomeration

Os. Rauhankatu, Äänekoski
Washing basins, drying racks, mangel and lake water.

Suolahti carpet cleaning place

Os. Keiteleentie 41, Polsanjoki
Washing basins, drying racks, mankel and water from Polsanjoki.

Konginkangka harbor carpet washing place

Os. Kaunolantie, Konginkangas
Washing basins, drying racks, mangel and lake water.

Sumiainen harbor carpet washing place 

Os. Sumiaisraitti 51, Sumiainen
Washing basins, drying racks, mangel and lake water.

For more information:

Äänekoski Kiinteistönhoito Oy

Niko Oksanen
040 151 0407

Housing services