The smell

The regulations regarding sniffing were renewed at the beginning of 2019. Rescue services no longer have the obligation to arrange sniffing services in their area. In practice, the change means the end of the district sniffing system and price regulation of sniffing services, which restricts doing business.
The entire country has switched to the free provision of sniffing services after a six-month transition period. The regional district abatement agreements ceased on June 30.6.2019, XNUMX at the latest.
The reform is expected to increase the number of sniffing companies, when it is possible to start a business and enter the market without winning the competition of the sniffing district.
Consumers' freedom of choice to obtain sniffing services from the sniffing company of their choice will be possible everywhere in the future. Agreeing on the time of sniffing will be flexible and the prices of the service will be determined according to market conditions.
You can search for sniffing services via the link below.