Electricity, water and district heating

Electricity supply

On the respective pages of the companies responsible for electricity distribution in Äänekoski, you can find the current emergency numbers, fault notices and customer service contact information: 

Äänekoski Energy


Savo Voima

Water supply and district heating

Äänekoski water supply ja district heating Äänekosken Energia Oy, a wholly-owned energy company owned by the city, is responsible for delivery. In addition, water cooperatives are responsible for water supply.

The following water supply cooperatives operate in the Äänekoski city area:

Note The water supply cooperatives marked with * are suppliers of clean water only and do not have a sewer network.

Contact information for water cooperatives can be obtained by asking the city of Äänekoski from environmental protection authorities.

Areas of operation of water supply facilities (pdf) 

Housing services