Power outages

In Finland, the electricity situation is managed by the grid company for the entire country Fingerrid, which instructs electricity grid companies to implement local power outages if a power shortage threatens. Regional electricity network companies communicate the situation to their customers through their disruption information services, websites and social media channels. 

Three electricity network companies operate in the Äänekoski area:

Äänekoski Energy


Savo Voima

Pre-planned local power outages last approximately 1,5–2 hours at a time, depending on the company, or in more serious cases, longer outages affecting the entire main grid, which can last up to a couple of days.

The best way to avoid controlled power outages is to use electricity sparingly, especially at the time of greatest consumption, i.e. on weekdays from 8 to 10 a.m. and from 16 to 20 p.m. in the evening. 

Where can I get information in the event of a power outage?

On the own pages of the companies responsible for electricity distribution in Äänekoski, you can find the current emergency numbers, fault reports and customer service contact information. Pre-order disruption notifications to your phone from your own electricity company!

Check which electricity grid company you live in. Exact information about the network company can be found on your electricity transmission bill. 

Order any disruption notices from your own electricity company in advance. Electricity network companies offer a free text message service that sends the customer information about the power outage and its estimated duration. It is recommended to be within the scope of the SMS service. You can register for the service, for example, on the network company's website. In addition, you can also follow the electricity company's information on the company's website and social media channels.

The customer service of network companies receives a large number of calls from customers soon after the outage begins, and the lines easily become congested. Today, network companies offer their customers a text message service that informs them of outages. You can access the service by entering your phone number on the network company's website. This way you avoid calling congested lines.

During a long power outage, the radio is an important source of information for citizens. Radio broadcasts also work without electricity. You can listen to them on a battery or car radio.

Large telecom companies are able to continue their operations even during a long power outage. They have UPS equipment and back-up power that ensures news production, preparation of other material and the continuation of broadcasting operations. Yleisradio has a legal obligation to broadcast television and radio programs and official announcements under all circumstances. STT will be able to deliver its own news and forward news and announcements to its customers as long as the information networks are working.

Äänekoski city services during power outages

The city of Äänekoski's services will be managed as normally as possible during power outages, and known service changes to, for example, early childhood education, basic education and sports services will be communicated in advance as far as possible. Regarding health services, you can follow up from 1.1.2023 January XNUMX Central Finland welfare area information.

This page compiles information about possible changes to the services. 

General instructions and considerations related to power outages at locations and workplaces in the city of Äänekoski

  • You should avoid using the toilet during power outages. During short breaks, in a special emergency, the toilet can be used once, the line has enough pressure for a few uses.
  • Avoid using water during power outages. In district heating sites, the warm service water can be scalding hot and cause a risk of burns. During long power cuts, the water supply is cut off. In the areas, the service water network is to be emptied during long breaks in order to prevent the pipes from freezing.
  • If possible, the IV machines will be turned off in a controlled manner in advance during power outages. There is no danger to the structures, even if the ventilation is off for several days. 
  • During power outages, windows and doors should be kept closed so that the temperature in the areas does not drop. We try to organize the ventilation of the premises, if necessary, by keeping the doors open to other indoor spaces.  
  • Power to electrical equipment should be turned off during power outages to avoid power spikes when power is restored. Individual lamps should be left on so that you know when the electricity will be restored.  
  • The elevators are not in use during power outages. If you have received information about the power outage in advance, avoid using the elevator if possible well in advance of the planned outage. When there is a power cut, the elevators stop and you can get stuck in the elevator. In short outages, the elevator will work again when the electricity returns. During long breaks, it is possible to get out of the elevator with the help of the rescue service or elevator maintenance. The elevators have the maintenance shop's emergency number or an emergency phone, through which you can call for help. You must never try to get out of the elevator by your own means.  
  • It is recommended to reserve flashlights and other battery- or battery-powered additional lights for the targets. It is also a good idea to carry your own personal light.
  • It is recommended to personally reserve drinking water in case of interruptions. Water canisters are reserved for kindergartens and schools.
  • The property managers of the city's properties have operating instructions in case of power outages. Necessary and urgent work will be done during and after power outages. There may be changes to the schedules of non-urgent work.
  • During power outages and due to power outages, cleaning may change. Efforts are being made to carry out the mandatory measures.

Anticipate and put your household goods in order

During a power outage, buying food from a store is usually only possible for a short time. That's why it's a good idea to keep food at home that will help you get by. Water and food should be reserved for the needs of the whole family for at least three days.

Water is needed to drink 2 liters per day for each family member. You should reserve only food that you will normally use as home supplies. In this way, food products do not get old and there is no wastage.

For home supplies, you should choose foods that do not require refrigeration. These include, for example, preserves, muesli, juices, crackers, breadcrumbs, dried fruit, nuts and seeds. Shock-heated milk can be stored at room temperature for months.

Stock up on first aid supplies, pain and fever medicine, and personal prescription medicines.

Do this during a power outage

Turn off all household appliances. Also turn off the lights and electrical appliances in your home. However, leave one light on so you know when the power comes back on.

The most important thing is to turn off the stove, iron, microwave, coffee maker and washing machine. If electrical appliances are on after the power is restored, but no one is home, a fire may occur. Also turn off the electric radiators.

Start eating the food in the fridge to avoid wastage. Food stays cold in the refrigerator for a couple of hours after the power has been cut.

Do not open the freezer door unnecessarily. Food stays frozen in the freezer for at least a day if the door is not opened. The well-insulated, full container freezer keeps food frozen for up to two days. If possible, cool the room where the freezer is. You can also cover the freezer with blankets, etc. Put a safety tray under the freezer and refrigerator, where possible melting water is directed.

Do not call on the phone, but send text messages, because calling loads the networks more than text messages. Network capacity is needed for emergency calls! Calling also consumes more power from your phone's battery than text messages.

This is how you survive a long power outage

Storms, thunder, freezing rain or snow flurries can cause power outages. Below are some tips that will help you prepare for a power outage and manage your everyday life even during a power outage:

Light and heat

  • The lights go out when the power goes out. Keep a flashlight and spare batteries handy. Remember to be careful with candles.
  • Almost all heating methods use electricity. You keep the apartment warm with a fireplace or other hearth.
  • Keep windows and doors closed. If the temperature in the home drops, cover the windows with blankets and the floors with rugs.

Food and water

  • Cooking can be done without electricity with gas, wood stove, grill, camping stove.
  • Food can be stored outside when the temperature is between zero and +6 degrees.
  • Keep well-preserved food at home that does not require cooking. Turn off the power to household appliances, especially the stove and stove, so that there is no risk of fire when the electricity is restored.
  • Do not open the refrigerator and freezer unnecessarily during a power cut. The water supply will stop soon after the power cut. Stock up on drinking water. If the outage is prolonged, the authorities will start distributing water.


  • Some of the stores operate with backup power for a while.
  • ATMs do not work without electricity.
  • Fuel cannot be purchased.


Do not touch electrical cords

  • Storms topple trees and throw branches onto power lines. Don't try to clear them out.
  • Remember that you must not touch anything that touches power lines or other parts of the power grid.
  • Keep a safety distance of 20 meters.

When the electricity comes back on 

A sudden load spike must be avoided until the last, so that the electricity does not go out again.

  • Turn on electric radiators in different rooms every half hour.
  • Due to the peak load, the sauna should only be heated the next day.
  • You shouldn't cook with an electric oven, but use a microwave instead.
  • The water supply may not start as soon as the electricity comes back on. It is worth running the water for a while, so that it is definitely clean after a power cut.

When repairing power outages, the power may go off and on again several times. 

If, after the electricity is restored, they behave strangely, e.g. the lights burn brighter or dimmer than normal, the reason may be breaking of the neutral wire. This can result in equipment damage, fire and, at worst, the risk of electric shock. In that case, turn off the electricity at the main switch, being careful not to touch the metal parts of the main center, and call the fault service of your electricity company.

Read more about power cuts:

Fingrid - Information about the electricity shortage 

Energy industry - Information about power cuts in Finland

Energy industry - Finnish power outage map

The Ministry of Defense brochure "This is how you prepare when society stops working". 

The Ministry of Defense's "Pahasti poikki" guide on preparing for a long-term power outage

Yle - This is how you prepare for a long power outage and act when the outage starts

Motiva - Information about preparing for frost

72 hours - Home equity and the authorities' recommendation for households

Martto's home asset information

The Finnish Meteorological Institute's operating instructions in case of storm gusts

Äänekoski Energia's announcements

A degree lower - Electricity saving talks in the heating season 2022-2023

The city of Äänekoski is involved in the state administration's joint Astetta alemmas energy saving campaign and also encourages its residents to participate in energy saving talks. The campaign offers concrete tips for saving energy and cutting electricity consumption peaks at home, at work and in traffic. Now is the time to take fast-acting energy-saving measures. The Astetta alemmas campaign lasts the entire heating season.

So that there is enough energy for all of us

Russia's military actions in Ukraine have led to energy price and availability problems in Finland and throughout Europe. In winter, the costs of electricity use and heating are exceptionally high. 

The sufficiency of electricity is more uncertain than before in the coming winter. Electricity is sufficient most of the time, but the power situation in winter contains many uncertainties that can lead to electricity shortages. 

Everyone must also be prepared for the fact that there may be a shortage of electricity from time to time. Availability is weakened, for example, by long and windless periods of frost, the low supply of electricity produced by Nordic hydropower, maintenance or operation interruptions of electricity production plants, and the demand for electricity in Central Europe.

Power shortages can lead to interruptions in distribution. The risk of power outages is reduced by paying attention to your own electricity usage patterns and timing.

The goal of the Astetta alemmas campaign is that:

  • All Finns take concrete and quickly effective energy saving actions.
  • The use of electricity is voluntarily limited during the peak consumption hours of the day - on weekdays between 8-10 am and 16-18 pm - by rescheduling the use and charging of electrical devices to another time.
  • Energy consumption is reduced throughout society as a whole; in homes and housing associations, companies, municipalities, organizations and educational institutions.

Read more about the Astetta alemmas campaign:

A degree lower final report

Housing services