Zoning services
Zoning Services prepares land use plans for the Äänekoski city area. Here you can find contact information for planning services.
Pending formulas
On these pages, you will find information about land use planning and zoning, pending planning projects, and available plans. A few of the newest recently approved formulas are also listed here.
General formulas in force
On these pages you can find valid beach master plans, sub-master plans of settlements and villages, structure master plans and other valid plans.
Existing site plans
The up-to-date location plan of the Äänekoski agglomeration in the Äänekoski map service. On these pages you can find the valid station plans from Äänekoski, Suolahti and Konginkanga as well as beach station plans. In addition, there are site plan combinations here.
Formulation process
Get to know the drafting process, from the initiation phase to approval and entry into force. You can also see at which point you should give feedback and give your opinion.
Zoning review
Alueidenkäyttölaki velvoittaa kuntaa laatimaan vähintään kerran vuodessa kaavoituskatsauksen (AKL 7 §). Äänekosken kaupungin kaavoituskatsaus esittelee kaupungin kaavoit usohjelman sekä sen sisällön seuraaville lähivuosille.
Deviation and design need solution
Available deviation and planning need applications Deviation Under certain conditions, the municipality can grant an exception from regulations, orders, prohibitions and other restrictions regarding construction.
Afternoons of planning
As a new service, the city of Äänekoski organizes zoning afternoons open to all municipal residents.
Nomenclature planning
Decision-making The city council and the city government decide on the nomenclature related to planning when the plans are approved.