Äänekoski city plot services produces, maintains and offers various maps. Map and spatial data materials are available either as traditional paper maps or in the most common file formats for digital use.
Äänekoski map service
In the map service, you can search for objects and services in the search line at the top or in the service search found in the triangle on the right side of the magnifying glass.
Map products
From site services, you can order ground maps, site plan maps and plot maps from the site plan area. Plot maps are available from the agglomerations of Äänekoski and Suolahti. The prices of the maps can be found from the Price list of land use services.
Official map excerpts for e.g. sale deeds must be ordered from plot services. Maps printed from the map service are not official.
Map and document orders:
The normal delivery time for orders is 3 working days on average. During the holiday season, the delivery time may be longer.

Travel maps
Äänekoski tourism service map 2018
Salt bay
Printed guide map
Guide map: agglomerations and sparsely populated areas
Guide maps
Salt bay
King fabric
Deer cloth
A sparsely populated area
Interesting map links
Buying terrain maps from the Land Surveying Institute online
Citizen's map location
Old printed maps
Historical maps
Map Image Service (WMS)
The maps from the Äänekoski city map service can be downloaded from the WMS service. The coordinate system is ETRSGK-26. Identifier EPSG:3880.
All agglomerations are in the N2000 elevation system.
Service address:
Aerial photos
The use of aerial photographs without the permission of the city of Äänekoski and the photographer is prohibited. You can get more information about the rights to use images from plot services.
Äänekoski from the northwest
Äänekoski from the northeast
Hidden cape
Bioproduct factory
Bioproduct factory
Deer cloth
Salt bay
Hirskankangas from the east
Hirskangans from the west
Hirskangas from the north
Aerial photos from Hirvaskanga, Koivisto, Konginkanga, Matilanvirra, Sumiais, Suolahti and Äänekoski 16.9.2012 Photos Lentokuva Vallas Oy.
Hirskankangas from the northeast
Hirsvakangas from lunch
Sumiainen Kukkoniemi (town) from the west
Suojärvi transplant garden from the southeast
Suojärvi transplanted garden from the northwest
The slope from the east
Sumiainen agglomeration from the southeast
Äänekoski agglomeration from the south
Äänekoski agglomeration from the southeast
Mortar from lunch
Suojärvi transplant garden from the south
Suojärvi transplant garden from the southeast
Kongingkanka agglomeration from the south
Sumiainen agglomeration from the north
Suolahti and Central Finland College from the southeast
Suolahti agglomeration from the east
Äänekoski agglomeration from the northeast
Salt bay
King fabric
The center of Äänekoski
Äänekoski Mörtti and Ääneniemi
Akanniemi in Äänekoski
The center of Suolahti
The center of Sumiainen
The center of Suolahti
Suolahti Lehtorinne
Suolahti Kanavaharju and Paadentaipaleenvuori
Suolahti settlement
Sumiainen agglomeration
Kongingkanka agglomeration