Data protection and data management
Document publicity description
The public document description of the city of Äänekoski is a description of the city's information and documents in accordance with Section 906 of the Information Management Act (2019/28). The purpose of the document public description is to give a general description of how the Äänekoski city's case register and the information management of services are structured.
Äänekoski document publication description
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (EU 679/2016) entered into force in May 2016 and will be applied nationally from 25.5.2018 May 1995. The regulation applies to the processing of personal data in both the public and private sectors. The regulation replaces the Personal Data Directive of 523 and the Personal Data Act (1999/XNUMX) issued to implement it nationally. Alongside the regulation, a new data protection law is enacted.
The goal of the regulation is to ensure that people's right to the protection of personal data and thus to privacy is also realized in the digital age. The regulation aims to meet the challenges of rapid technological development and strengthen people's right to control their personal data. The goal is also to strengthen the rules for the free movement of personal data within the EU.
The regulation brings new tasks and responsibilities to both data controllers and personal data processors. The regulation also contains new rights for registered users. The regulation takes a position on the legal processing of personal data and states when, how and by whom personal data may be processed.
Processing of personal data in the municipality
The EU's general data protection regulation became applicable in May 2018. The national data protection law applies alongside the regulation. The Data Protection Act specifies and supplements the EU's general data protection regulation.
The Data Protection Act also provides for, among other things, the supervisory authority and some special situations related to the processing of personal data, such as the coordination of freedom of speech and the protection of personal data.
The decree creates new rights for citizens and new obligations for data controllers and those who process personal data. The regulation applies to the processing of personal data that is partially or fully automatic, as well as to the processing of personal data in a non-automatic form that forms part of the register or is intended to form part of the register.
The aim and purpose of the Data Protection Regulation is to respond to the challenges of rapid technological development and digitization and to improve the protection of personal data in the online environment.
Data protection laws approved on 13.11.2018 November XNUMX
Parliament has approved the data protection law related to the EU data protection package and the law on the processing of personal data in criminal matters. The Data Protection Act clarifies and supplements the EU's general data protection regulation regarding the processing of personal data. The Act on the Processing of Personal Data in Criminal Matters implements the Data Protection Directive in Criminal Matters.
The EU data protection regulation basically applies to all kinds of personal data processing. It contains regulations on the rights of the data subject and the obligations of the controller and the processor of personal data. The Data Protection Regulation is the applicable law as such. However, the regulation leaves certain possibilities for national exceptions and clarifications, which are regulated by the proposed data protection law.
The processing of personal data in criminal matters is limited outside the scope of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. The objective of the Data Protection Directive in Criminal Matters is to modernize the regulation, facilitate the free movement of information between the police and judicial authorities of EU countries, and ensure the protection of personal data when handling criminal matters. The law implementing the directive on the processing of personal data in criminal matters would be applied, among other things, when it comes to the prevention, investigation or prosecution of a crime, prosecution, the processing of a criminal case in court, the enforcement of a sanction or the prevention of threats to public safety.