Open jobs in the city

The city of Äänekoski uses in its recruitments service. All open jobs in the city, which can also be found through Kuntarekry, are compiled on this page. Through Kuntarekry, you can also create a job search monitor that notifies you of the latest jobs directly to your email.
Vacancies in the city of Äänekoski:
Municipal recruitment
TE services
Come work for us!
- Select the desired job and read the job advertisement
- Apply for a position by pressing the "Apply for a job" button on the website
- Sign up
- Sign in
- Fill out the application. Fill in each tab, fields marked with an asterisk are required. If you do not have the required mandatory information, you can fill in the field with, for example, a hyphen.
Open jobs in the welfare region of Central Finland
From January 1.1.2023, XNUMX, the Central Finland welfare region is responsible for organizing social, health and rescue services in the entire Central Finland region. In the future, you can find open job opportunities for social, health and rescue services at