Employment subsidies for associations and foundations
Grants from the employment services of the City of Äänekoski can be granted to a registered association or foundation whose activities include: promotion of employmentAn appropriation of 2025 euros has been reserved for employment service grants for 60, from which grants can be awarded to associations and foundations. as an operating grant
and/or as an activity development grant.
The employment allowance is an activity of the voluntary employment service of the city of Äänekoski and does not apply to the employment area. To receive the allowance, the applicant must be domiciled in Äänekoski.
The application period for employment benefits for 2025 is January 31.1.2025, 28.2.2025-February XNUMX, XNUMX.
Operational assistance is granted as a general grant for the actual operation of the association or foundation. The award primarily takes into account the annual work trial days, training offered to the unemployed, debt settlement for the unemployed, retirement guidance for the disabled, work placements enabled by degrees offered to students, support for the integration of immigrants, other group activities intended for the unemployed, focusing the activities on the focus groups of the city's employment service (long-term unemployed, young people, immigrants), activities goal-oriented orientation towards the open labor market or the construction of study paths and training for guidance, and especially the results and scope of activities, the quality of services and the expertise of the community.
When the grant is granted, the costs incurred by the activity are taken into account, for example the salary and space costs in proportion to the scope of the activity. The achievement of previous years' goals is taken into account in the grant amount for the following year.
Operational development grant is granted for the development of employment-promoting organization or foundation activities, for increasing the internal expertise of the association or foundation, for the costs of employment-promoting projects, e.g. self-financing of projects, for strengthening communication, for developing and increasing services, and for opening new paths of cooperation. A development grant can also be granted to several applicants from a joint application. Development assistance can also be granted for other employment-promoting project costs under the same conditions as operating assistance.
Operational assistance and operational development grants for employment services are discretionary and a purposeful assessment of need is used; the aid decision always includes both expediency and needs consideration and the decisions are made as official decisions.
Grant decisions are made for one year at a time. Each year, the city budget approved for that year and the applicable application and award conditions are followed.
General principles of employment assistance
- The grant is allocated to the general activities of the association or foundation or to the development of services offered to unemployed job seekers
- The applicant's registered domicile must be Äänekoski.
- A registered association or foundation can apply for a grant.
- The applicant is required to contribute self-financing or other active investment in the implementation of the activity that is the subject of the grant, which must be expressed in the application
- The application must be submitted to the Äänekoski registry office by the deadline, late or incomplete applications will not be processed.
- The period of use of the grant must be stated in the application. The unused amount can be taken into account when granting a grant for the following year.
- The grant must be used for the purpose for which it was granted
- The grant grantor has the right, if necessary, to inspect the accounting of the association or foundation that received the grant.
- The provider of the grant may partially or fully recover the granted grant if the grant recipient does not follow the given instructions.
The beneficiary must take into account in his activities:
- The recipient of the grant must keep a separate account of the use of the grant received, e.g. Place of expenditure and its breakdown
- The recipient of the grant must prepare his accounting in accordance with the Accounting Act and Regulation.
- The recipient of the grant must organize his accounting in accordance with good accounting practices in such a way that the use of the grant can be monitored from the accounting.
- In addition, the recipient of the grant must make a separate written report on the use of the granted grant
- If the rules of the association or foundation change or its board or signatories change, the changes must be reported to the city immediately.
Grants are not awarded
- events and projects that generate profit or whose purpose is business activity
- for investments or the acquisition of fixed or movable property
- for commercial publishing and publishing
- to be further distributed as grants and scholarships
- for basic education, vocational education and theses
- for study and recreation trips, as a rule, the grant is also not granted for the costs of a trip abroad
- alcohol, food and dining expenses
- for central organizations and district organizations.
- to activities that the municipality organizes itself
- professional or business activities
- party activities or their financing or participation in elections, election campaigning or supporting candidates
- expenses arising from brokerage activities, e.g. real estate rental activities, income acquisition or business activities
- Advertising acquisition costs
- for the payment of the applicant's debts, debt-related interest and costs or guarantee liabilities
- for paying the applicant's income, property or other taxes
- meeting fees and membership fees
- depreciation
- the renovation and basic repair costs of the premises
Negotiation procedure
The person responsible for the allocation of the result area negotiates with the aided entity every year before the grants are paid and prepares a memorandum about it, which both parties sign. The negotiation is carried out with those who received more than 5000 euros in aid. The following issues will be discussed in the negotiation:
1. previous year's financial statement from new grant applicants and realized goals 2. compliance with the grant conditions in the previous year, 3. goals for the coming year, 4. plan of expenditure and income for which the grant is to be used 5. prohibited uses of the grant (list previously) and 6. reporting obligations for the use of the grant
In addition, the negotiation reminds of the city's possibility to collect the grant back if the grant conditions or reporting obligations are not complied with.
Decision-making procedure for employment subsidies
The subsidy decision is made by the vitality director of the city of Äänekoski. Applicants will be notified of aid decisions by e-mail. The reporting procedure is agreed upon during decision-making. As a general rule, interim reporting must be done before applying for and granting the next grant. Granted assistance is paid after receiving the decision to the account indicated by the applicant of the law enforcement agency.
More information on employment assistance: Riikka Hytönen, tel. 0401946100. first name.surname@aanekoski.fi
Delivery of the application form by post:
Äänekoski city/registry office,
Hallintokatu 4,
44100 Äänekoski
or electronically: kirjaamo@aanekoski.fi
Instructions for filling out the application form
For more information:
Employment Manager Riikka Hytonen, 040 194 6100, riikka.hytonen@aanekoski.fi