Employment services projects
In recent years, the city of Äänekoski has had several projects related to employment services. There are currently no employment services projects underway.
Completed projects of Äänekoski employment services:
- Opsopankki project (ended on 31.8.2023 August XNUMX)
- Ability to work life project (ended on 31.8.2023 August XNUMX)
- Art for working life project (ended on 31.8.2023 August XNUMX)
- Hohto project, Team network project (ended 31.5.2020)
- The PLACE project
Other projects and development activities of the vitality unit of the city of Äänekoski can be found here.
Contact information for employment projects
Opsopankki project
Opsopankki is an ESR-funded project managed by Äänekoski (September 1.9.2020, 31.8.2023-August XNUMX, XNUMX).
In the project, apprenticeship paths leading to complete degrees are built, where in the initial stages of the degree one works in a city unit or in the service of intermediate labor market operators and the degree is completed in the open labor market. The project's primary target group are job seekers from Äänekoski who have a skills gap or other need for training, as well as employers operating in the Äänekoski working area who are interested in offering the opportunity to complete a partial degree with an apprenticeship contract.
Check out to the apprenticeship agreement and to OPSO-bank's website.
This model is the result of the ESR-funded Opsopankki project, which has been managed by the city of Äänekoski.

Ability for working life project
The Kykyä työelämän project (September 1.9.2020, 31.8.2023 – August XNUMX, XNUMX) supports job seekers who are unemployed or at risk of unemployment to find employment in a job that matches their work and functional ability in the Äänekoski, Lauka and Konnevesi area. The project is managed by Äänekoskenkaupunki and financed by the European Social Fund. The project seeks to find employment paths through group and individual coaching, training and employer cooperation. The goal of the project is to create a snapshot of the number of partially able-bodied people in the region, bring together the services intended for partially-able-able people, and create a municipal service guidance model for the employment and retention of partially-able-able people in working life. An employer's perspective is brought to the development work by a network of actors formed from business operators in the area.
The project distributes information to different target groups about different employment support opportunities and helps the employer in applying for support when the person being hired has partial work ability. When the person to be hired is a customer of the project, the project employee of the project can support the employee when the employment relationship begins, if necessary. More information about various employment support opportunities.
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Art for working life project
Taite työelämän (1.4.2018 - 30.3.2021) is a joint project of the city of Äänekoski and the municipality of Laukaa, which focuses on developing the municipalities' wage support employment relationship by creating customer-oriented experiments and operating practices that support employment services in order to find a place in the open labor market.
We want to help jobseekers productize and highlight their skills and encourage employers to recruit. The project's primary target group is people in Laukaa and Äänekoski in wage support employment and companies in the region. The project is financed by the European Social Fund and the city of Äänekoski and the municipality of Laukaa.
The Hohto project
The HOHTO project (1.8.2017-31.05.2020) is a joint development project of Lauka, Äänekoski and Konnevesi, which aims to develop information, counseling and guidance services for young people under 30 years old in the project area.
Our service is mobile. You can book an appointment with us for personal guidance at a place that suits you or at our office.
The team network project
The TiimiVerkko project (September 1.9.2018, 31.12.2020 – December XNUMX, XNUMX) is aimed at people outside of working life in the municipalities of Lauka and Äänekoski, as well as Jyväskylä's street broadcast. The goal is to expand the services of target group customers by introducing remote rehabilitation and thus promote their progress towards working life. During the project, the digital skills of both the cooperating party's professionals and their customers will be strengthened, so that, for example, more active communication is possible. As a result of the project, various rehabilitation services will be created for the cooperating parties, which utilize multiprofessionalism that crosses organizational boundaries.
The team network project:
The PLACE project
Äänekoski uses the tools for identifying PAIKKO expertise. The Äänekoski workshop has several identified learning opportunities. Based on them, a competency certificate can be drawn up for the trainees. The certificate of competence can be used as an attachment to a job application or when applying to study at a vocational educational institution.
A certificate of competence makes practical skills that are easily invisible visible. You can read more about it at www.paikko.fi