Cooperation between the city and property maintenance
The city of Äänekoski and Äänekoski Kiinteistönhoito Oy have signed an agreement on close cooperation regarding the maintenance of properties and sports facilities, cleaning services, area maintenance, green services, courier and food transport, and security services. The goal of the strategic partnership operating model is to achieve cost efficiency and better services for residents.

Streets and other traffic routes
The city manages a total of 207 km of traffic lanes in zoned areas, of which more than 43 km are light traffic lanes and sidewalks. In addition, there are 182 private roads receiving maintenance subsidies in the city area.

Road safety
The city of Äänekoski strives to promote traffic safety in all its activities. We carry out traffic safety work, e.g. in teaching and education, urban structure services, youth and sports services, and communication.

Plowing and winter maintenance
The streets of Äänekoski are divided into three maintenance categories and they are plowed and sanded in the order according to the categories. The need for plowing arises on all streets in the maintenance category when about 5 cm of snow has fallen. If the need for plowing arises after 22.00:3.00 p.m., plowing will be started at XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. at the latest.

Street lighting
The city's street lighting is controlled automatically. The lighting turns on and off according to the brightness sensors and the time within the programs. The city has more than 7.000 street light poles and lamps. There are more than 100 street light centers.

Public transport
On this page you will find links to Äänekoski bus schedules and price lists. In addition to the usual public transport, the city of Äänekoski organizes service transport for the elderly and a Kyläbussi service for all residents.

Link traffic
Jyväskylä region public transport Linkki also operates from Äänekoski to Jyväskylä and surrounding municipalities. Hop on Linkki!

Village bus
There is a service bus service called Kyläbussi in Äänekoski. The Kyläbussi serves the residents of the villages of Äänekoski and provides access to services. The Kyläbussi service is an open service intended for everyone. You will now recognize the Kyläbussi from the Äänekoski print! Jump on the Kyläbussi!

Service traffic
More efficient public transport, i.e. Äänekoski's service transport (formerly senior transport), means public transport open to all, which takes into account the needs of the aging population and people with mobility impairments better than conventional public transport.

Parks and green areas
The park department is the developer and administrator of Äänekoski's public green areas. The aim of the activity is to plan, build and maintain a comfortable, safe, stimulating and versatile environment, taking into account the wishes of the people of Tunakoski.

Elonkierto community garden
The town of Äänekoski has an Elonkierto community garden, which everyone is welcome to participate in! The goal of the community garden in Piilolanniemi is to meet people and work together.

Harbors and boating
There are 12 harbors, 47 berths for guest boats, 539 berths and 222 berths for rowing boats in the entire Äänekoski area. Guest boat piers are located in the ports of Äänekoski, Kuhnamo, Suolahti, Sumiainte and Konginkanka, as well as in Liimattala.

Amendments to the Water Supply Act and Land Construction Act (2014) have changed the invoicing practice. The change promotes the planned development of stormwater management, which ensures a healthy and safe living environment.