Streets and other traffic routes

The city of Äänekoski manages a total of 207 km of traffic lanes in zoned areas, of which more than 43 km are light traffic lanes and sidewalks. In addition, there are 182 private roads receiving maintenance subsidies in the city area, the subsidized length of which is 420 km.
Central Finland's ELY center is responsible for public roads as follows: Äänekoskentie all the way 4-tie - 69 -tie, the rest of Vaasantie (Tärttämäentienristeys - 4-tie). Suolahdentie, Sumiaistentie and Ruotintie in the Suolahti agglomeration. Keskustie and Matilanvirrantie in Konginkanka agglomeration. In Sumiainen agglomeration Sumiaisraitti and Taipaleentie. The maintenance of streets and roads costs the city approximately €990 annually, of which private road grants account for €000.
The technical board makes a decision about the streets to be paved every year. The streets in new areas are usually paved only after the street side lots have mostly been built. The prerequisite for paving streets in old areas is that the structural layers of the street and the water supply and cable lines in them are in good condition. The aim is to renovate 2-3 kilometers of old streets every year.
Maintenance of streets, roads and light traffic routes will be carried out from the summer season of 2010 according to the classification approved by the technical board on 16.12.2009 December XNUMX
Sections of road maintained by the ELY Center in urban areas
You can report the condition of the roads in the Palauteväylä service targeted directly to the map around the clock. Report a traffic-threatening problem directly to the Road User Line of the Road Traffic Centers by calling 0200 2100 (24/7). Notifications that belong to the road user's line are e.g. water on the road, a tree that has fallen on the road or another obstacle that prevents normal road use.
Road sections maintained by the city of Äänekoski
For city streets, in urgent cases, the emergency phone number is 075 758 0361 (24/7). On weekdays, from 8 am to 16 pm, phone 0400 996 260 or 040 355 9600 and email
- Maintenance rating (pdf)
- Street classification (pdf)
- Maintenance allowance rule for private roads (pdf)
- Renovation grant rule (pdf)
- Claim for compensation for a car accident (pdf): returned to technical administration, os. Hallintokatu 4, 44100 Äänekoski
Read more from plowing here.
Maintenance / Äänekosken Kiinteistöhoito Oy
Hannu Kaikkonen
0400 996 260
Maintenance call outside working hours 075 758 0361