Management system and group structure
The Äänekoski city group includes the parent city (parent municipality) and group communities.

Organization chart
Here you can find the organizational chart of the city of Äänekoski as a picture.

Executive team
The city's management team acts as the mayor's staff. The management team includes key office holders from different industries and areas of responsibility.

Central government
The city's central administration operates under the authority of the city government. The central administration is responsible for the centralized services of the entire city and city group, for example administration and administrative support, communication, land use planning, planning services, tal...

Urban structure and environmental act
The branch is responsible for municipal technical services, spatial services and tasks related to environmental monitoring. Technical director Tommi Rautjärvi, 0400 543 587, is the branch director of the urban structure and environment department.

Cultural and sports activities
The industry is responsible for cultural, library and sports services, as well as the operation of the regional music school in Ala-Keitele. The industry includes assisting all local associations and the civic college.

Teaching and educational activity
The branch is responsible for services for children and families, educational services and youth services. The industry is divided into three areas of responsibility: Children and family services, education services and youth services.

Cooperation between municipalities
The city of Äänekoski participates extensively in cooperation between municipalities. Some of the municipalities' cooperation is statutory, some is voluntary. Cooperation can be organized in different legal forms.

Strategy and programs
Äänekoski's strategy extends to 2028. We are aiming high, and we are not satisfied with just talking about strategy. The Äänekoski effect is created here.

Public procurement
The city of Äänekoski complies with the legislation on public procurement in its purchases. The Procurement Act defines procurement thresholds and procedures.

Tenders for public procurement
Ongoing tenders Ongoing Äänekoski tenders can be viewed Tender service.

Competition calendar
The competition calendar is a summary of the public procurements known to the city of Äänekoski, the purpose of which is to provide companies in the area with information about the city's future procurements.

Rules and instructions
Administrative rule The administrative rule of the city of Äänekoski stipulates the division of authority between the city's institutions and office holders.

Budget and financial statements
Budgets 2025 budget (pd f)

Purchase invoices
The purchase invoices of the city of Äänekoski, a description of the picking and the cuts made. The information has been extracted from the city's financial control system at the entry line level (amounts without value added tax).

Billing instructions and financial office
Äänekoski city ID number 2045520-5 In all invoices addressed to the city of Äänekoski, the orderer's name (unit) must be mentioned as reference information.

Email addresses are in the form: firstname.surname@aanekoski.fi Login address: htt ps://login.