Public procurement

The city of Äänekoski complies with public procurement legislation in its procurement. 

The Procurement Act defines procurement thresholds and procedures. Public procurements are divided into procurements that exceed the national threshold value and procurements that exceed the EU threshold value. In addition, the procurement function makes procurements below the national threshold value, i.e. so-called small procurements that are not covered by the Procurement Act. In small procurements, the city's own guidelines and the general principles of good governance referred to in the Administrative Law are followed.

Information on public procurement and related regulations can be found on the websites of the Ministry of Labor and the Economy and the Public Procurement Advisory Unit.

Requests for quotations

The city of Äänekoski publishes its request for tenders and receives tenders electronically in the Tender Service portal, tägö You can register for the tender service portal free of charge and its use is free for bidders.

Procurements that exceed the national and EU threshold are reported HILMAin. HILMA is a free, electronic notification channel maintained by the Ministry of Labor and Economic Affairs, where procurement entities report their public procurements that exceed the threshold values:

Bids must be submitted by the deadline stated in the procurement notice or request for bids. The request for tenders defines the form in which the tender must be submitted and what it must contain. Bids contrary to the request for bids or incomplete bids will have to be rejected. You can request more information about the request for tenders as indicated in the request for tenders.

The bid comparison is made according to the criteria presented in the request for bids. In public procurement, the procurement decision is made by the city official or institution, depending on the value of the procurement. Small purchases can also be made by another person. Information about the decision made and the appeal possibilities will be sent to those who participated in the tender.

The conditions for participating in tenders are defined for each procurement and are presented in the tender documents. Bidders can participate in tenders independently or take advantage of cooperation arrangements such as forming alliances or using subcontracting. Read the general principles here on the use of different forms of cooperation in public procurement.

Procurement contracts

Procurement contracts are made on the basis of tenders and in accordance with the conditions presented in the request for tenders. As supplementary general contract terms and conditions, procurement contracts generally follow the general contract terms of public procurement published by the Ministry of Finance (JYSE 2014, update versions 2022) and in construction contracts, YSE1998 contract terms.
JYSE 2014 Goods
JYSE 2014 Services 

Procurement program and procurement instructions

Procurement program is a document guiding the development of the city's procurement activities. The procurement program defines the main procurement principles, goals and priority areas of development activities to be followed within the framework of the options enabled by legislation. The procurement program is therefore a document that guides the city's internal operations on a principle level, which is concretized in the procurement development measures and the procurement instructions.

Procurement instructions is a document specifying the procurement program and guiding compliance with procurement legislation. The procurement instructions contain practical guidelines for bidding for procurements and contract operations. Along with the procurement legislation and the city's administrative rules, the procurement instruction is the most important document that guides public procurement on a practical level, defining, among other things, when and how procurement must be put out to tender.

For more information:

Chief of admissions
Henriikka Mäkelä
040 480 1074

Administration and finance