Tenders for public procurement

Current tenders

The ongoing tenders for Äänekoski can be viewed Tarjouspalvelu.fi website through.

Company information register for tenders for public procurement

If you are interested in the public procurements of the city of Äänekoski and you want to take part in the tenders for them, you can leave your company's information in the public procurement company data register and indicate the industry categories in which your company is interested. 

The information can be used to inform about tenders and to organize market dialogues prior to tenders.

The procurements of the city of Äänekoski are carried out in accordance with the legislation governing procurements by publishing a procurement notice available to everyone for all procurements that exceed the threshold values. In the case of small procurements, the procurement announcement and requests for tenders can alternatively only be submitted as an invitation to participate by e-mail. 

In goods and service procurements, the upper limit for small procurements is €60, and in construction contracts €000. Purchases worth more than this are reported in the HILMA service. 

Mandatory information on the registration form is the company name, social security number, contact person's name and email address. If an error occurs when submitting the registration, we recommend trying another web browser (e.g. Google Chrome).

If a company registered in the business information register no longer wishes to receive messages regarding public procurements or to have its data stored in the business information register of public procurements, the company can notify this by email to sakkurta@aanekoski.fi.


Chief of admissions
Henriikka Mäkelä
040 480 1074

Company information

Company and contact information 

Select the industries whose procurements you want information about

By sending the information, you agree our privacy policy and you agree that your data will be stored in the business data register of Äänekoski city procurement.

Administration and finance