Urban structure and environmental act
The branch is responsible for municipal technical services, spatial services and tasks related to environmental monitoring.
Technical director Tommi Rautjärvi, 0400 543 587, is the branch director of the urban structure and environment department.
Personnel and service points
The contact information of the managers of the areas of responsibility and other people handling customer service can be found on the industry's websites.
Personal customer service is on the III floor of the town hall. The Sumiainte area is served (rural affairs, building control) during reception hours in the premises of the former municipal hall. The employment office is located at Terveyskatu 10.
Trust bodies
The activity to be carried out falls within the scope of the technical board. The tasks of the environmental monitoring responsibility area are activities under the environmental board. Both boards participate in the development work.
Contact us
Technical industry
Technical Director
Tommi Rautjärvi
0400 543 587
presenter of the technical board
Environmental sector
Environmental manager
Hanna Ahonen
0400 893 683
presenter of the environmental board
Our e-mail addresses are in the form firstname.surname@aanekoski.fi
(dots removed from alphabets, i.e. ä>a and ö>o)