Cultural and sports activities

The industry is responsible for cultural, library and sports services, as well as the operation of the regional music school in Ala-Keitele. The industry includes assisting all local associations and the civic college.

The head of the cultural and sports department is Jukka-Pekka Pohjolainen, director of culture and sports, 0400 189 263.

Contact us

Vs. culture and sports director Jukka-Pekka Pohjolainen
Presenter of the Culture and Sports Committee
0400 189 263

Office secretary Mirja Halminen
040 351 9522

Sports services

Sports services manager Jaana Kiiskinen
040 551 4016

Cultural action

Vs. cultural producer Heidi Kurtti
040 194 7982

Museum director Marjo Ahola
0400 115 432

Library work

Director of Library Päivi Heinimäki
0400 440 734

Ala-Keitele music school

Principal Sari Savolainen
0400 969 050

Our e-mail addresses are in the form
(dots removed from alphabets, i.e. ä>a and ö>o)

Administration and finance