Purchase invoices
The purchase invoices of the city of Äänekoski, a description of the picking and the cuts made.
The information has been extracted from the city's financial control system at the entry line level (amounts without value added tax).
The material includes purchases of services and supplies by the city of Äänekoski. The data also includes purchases recorded directly in fixed assets.
Information has been extracted into the database based on the purchase ledger entry type and supplier number. In order to ensure data protection, only suppliers with a Y ID registered in the system have been included. The material does not include intra-city items or entries through payment orders.
The data cannot be directly compared to the city's budget or actual costs.
Implementation: City of Äänekoski, financial and information management services
For more information: sukkurta@aanekoski.fi
The CSV file is published once a year after the completion of the financial statements.