School catering diploma

In Äänekoski, children eat "diploma food"

A picture of the diploma.
All seven primary schools in Äänekoski have been awarded School Food Diplomas. The goal of the diploma is to raise the appreciation of school meals and make it a visible part of the entire school's joint activities. Äänekoski has very high-quality school food and the diploma is also a tribute to long-term and valuable work.

Äänekoski daycare centers and schools offer a good growth environment for the child. Small grows big in Äänekoski! Äänekoski has good cooperation between food services, schools and kindergartens. We want to develop this cooperation further and it is important that all adults around children and young people participate in the development and appreciation of food culture. 

School catering diploma schools must be recognized for promoting nutritionally, educationally and ecologically sustainable school meals. The diploma is proof that the school takes care of the implementation of the nutrition, health and moral education goals set for school meals. The diploma also speaks of good cooperation. The Ammatikeittiöosaajat ry is responsible for awarding the diploma.

- A school can receive a diploma if it meets the criteria required for awarding a diploma. In Äänekoski, all schools meet the criteria and our children eat good school food. Äänekoski has invested especially in domestic and safely produced food. As far as possible, food products are always selected from domestic sources. Of course, there are things to be developed, which we will take forward, food service manager Raija Sällinen says.

- Our professional staff is also really committed to our shared values. The schools are committed to good cooperation with food services and are committed to the same values ​​from an educational perspective.


Food Service Manager
Raija Sällinen
040 705 8460

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Food services