Outdoor swimming spots / Winter swimming

A popular winter swimming spot can be found in the city center of Äänekoski at Häränvirta and in a scenic and peaceful location on the shore of Suojärvi. Keys for the new season can be updated and redeemed at the cash desks of the swimming halls during cash register opening hours.


Tilanne 10.2.2025: Suojärven talviuintipaikka on taas käytössä! Vesinäytteet ovat puhtaat ja uiminen on turvallista. Käyttehän päivittämässä avaimenne Suolahden yhtenäiskoulun vanhan puolen pääovella tai SYK uuden liikuntasalin ulko-ovella.

31.1.2025: The key for the Suojärvi winter swimming area is currently also valid for the Häränvirta winter swimming area. If you have not updated your key after purchasing a new one, you must first use the key in the update lock on the rear exterior door of the Sports Center (a similar lock was on the door of the Suolahti swimming pool).

Please go and get your open water swimming key for the summer swimming pool opening hours.

See other current issues of sports services From the Current Affairs website

The open swimming season is 1.6.2024 June 31.5.2025 - XNUMX May XNUMX

The price of the key is €15/person/season. Old and unused keys should be returned to the pool hall cash desks (this way we can use the old blanks and keep the usage fee affordable). Avantouinni's maintenance building is available XNUMX/XNUMX for those who have redeemed the key. The maintenance buildings at the outdoor swimming areas have heated changing rooms, but no saunas or showers.

You can find the research results of swimming waters here

Open swimming spots

Suojärvi, Suolahti

A winter swimming spot in a scenic and peaceful location on the shore of Lake Suojärvi. Clothes guards on the beach, no sauna. Inquiry and keys From the Suolahti swimming pool.

Häränvirta, Rauhankatu, Äänekoski

In the center of the city, next to Häränvirta's swimming beach, there is a popular winter swimming spot. Service building for open swimmers (dressing rooms, no sauna). Inquiries and keys swimming pool from VesiVelho.

more information:

Äänekoski sports services
Sports services manager
Jaana Kiiskinen
040 551 4016

Outdoor exercise