Ski slopes

Skiers in competitions skiing uphill.
In the best snowy winters, there are 250 kilometers of traditional skiing trails in Äänekoski. There are about 100 kilometers of skating trails. There are about 27 kilometers of illuminated trails. In addition, there is up to 3 km of illuminated first snow trails (cannon trails) at best. 

Machine tracks maintained by the city of Äänekoski can be found in the Äänekoski settlement at Liikuntapuisto, Rantaraitit and Rantapuisto, in Suolahti at Nakertaja, Metsoreitti connecting track and Majala field. In Äänekoski and Suolahti there are also various block tracks, for example near daycare centers. Machine tracks can also be found in Sumiainen at Saarikkaa and Konginkangas on the sawmill track.


Äänekoski city track infocan look at the up-to-date track situation.

Snowy weather conditions a problem for skiers and maintenance workers


The winter season is coming. The conditions for both skiers and skaters have been particularly challenging this winter. Maintenance is carried out both during the sheltered and slippery conditions, but unfortunately it is not always enough. We ask skiers to assess the weather and their own skiing skills when setting off on the slopes. While we wait for good skiing conditions, let's stay safe until then!


The first snow trail was opened for use with stored snow on Friday, November 8.11.2024, 16.11.2024. The trail is subject to a fee at the beginning of the season, but on November XNUMX, XNUMX it became free of charge. See more charging info from the first page or From the website of Huima's skiing department.

Official tracks

In addition to the first-snow trail that can be opened with preserved snow and covered with additional snow and the 5 km, 6,4 km and 10 km trails of the Liikuntapuisto, the city is making trails for the Äänekoski Rantaraiit between Lossi-Satama and Satama-Rantapuisto. In Suolahti, the tracks are made 3,3 km and 5 km to the bottom of Suolahte's Nakertaja, Majala field and Suolahti's sports field, as well as Konginkanga to the kirkonkylä piru track and from there to the Konginkanka sports field of the joint track (a total distance of 3,5 km). Most of these are also illuminated.  

The city also creates smaller block-based trails in larger settlements at the request of schools and daycare centers. These have been created in Katvela, Alkula, Suojarinte, Isollemäki, Pässinrada, Piilola, Huuha Park, Mikonpuisto and Runeberg Park, among others.

In addition, the city supports the renovation of village tracks and ice tracks, e.g. In Sumiais, Koivisto, Hietama (lit), Honkola and Mämmä within the limits allowed by the available funds. Supported items may vary each year. Local operators are responsible for village lanes. Efforts have been made to designate parking areas for village lanes. 

When the winter is pleasant, there are at best more than 70 kilometers of ice rinks in the traditional style, about 35 kilometers of skating rinks on ice. 

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Dog tracks

There is one dog kennel maintained by the villagers, located in Koivisto. See more From the Koivisto village association's ski resort website. In addition, there are numerous privately maintained trails in various areas for recreational use. Some of them allow dogs to be taken along. However, it is worth checking with the owner of the village trail. 

Hiking trails

An official touring skating rink has not been completed for the winter of 2024-2025. Efforts are being made to get Mämme back on the ice for spring weather, but Mother Nature does not favor long-term renovation.

In a good winter, there have been almost 30 kilometers of ice-covered touring skating rinks. The most reliable touring skating rink is in Mämme, where in the best winters there is a 6 km circular skating track. In winter, we also manage to get touring skating rinks for a while in Lossi, Likolahti and Risusaari, as well as in Suolahti Majaniemi. The completion of the touring skating rink depends very much on the winter conditions.

Check out the 900 m skating rink in front of the Old Station in Suolahti, which delighted users in February-March 2024. See more of the city from Facebook 

More information from Äänekoski's Latuinfo

Outdoor exercise