Huuha family and traffic park

Os. Hämeentie 14, 44100 Äänekoski
During the summer of 2024, the park is open from 9 a.m. to 15.30:10 p.m. and the kiosk is open from 15 a.m. to 26.7.2024 p.m. (weather permitting). Huuha park's summertime controlled operation has ended on July XNUMX, XNUMX.
The activity is open to everyone and free of charge. Bigger cars can hold a weight of about one hundred kilograms, small cars can hold a weight of about 50 kilograms, and their target group is children aged 3-8.
The park is staffed by school entrance counselors and young people finishing the 9th grade. The instructors are not responsible for the children in the park, but their guardians are.
In connection with the park, there is also a skate track and Pump Track track, as well as a playground, which are freely accessible to everyone.

For more information:
Huuh directors
0400 115 719