Kongingkanka school

Konginkankaa school offers a good growth environment for the child! The school is located in the center of Konginkanka, in the middle of beautiful nature and lake scenery and close to services, such as youth facilities and a library. Konginkangka school has pre-school and grades 1-6. The school has a village school-like atmosphere and in a country school, children get to be children for a long time!

Rak. 1971
Renovated in 2007
Kansakoulutie 1A
44400 Konginkangas
Contact us
Teachers 040 869 8597
Information about the school
Konginkankaa school is located in the Konginkankaa area. Konginkankaa school has a long tradition, as it is Central Finland's first public school from 1867.
In the academic year 2023-2024, the school has a total of 58 students and a staff of 7 people. The teachers of the classes are 1.-2. lk Päivi Kuorelahti, 3.-4. lk Taru Julin, 5.-6. primary school Heikki Sarja, SAO Saara-Leena Linna, lesson teacher Susanna Hytönen. The special teacher is Riinukka Liimatainen. Tuuli Pasanen works as a guidance counselor and the leader of school children's afternoon activities.
Konginkangas is a lovely, small village between open fields and waterways. Konginkanga has one of the most beautiful wooden churches in Finland. Akseli Gallen-Kallela has also immortalized landscapes in his works, and Mikko Niskanen has shot his films on Konginkanga.
The school building is one-level, neat and practical. The school yard is large and the school has, for example, sports hall, sports arena with basketball racks, skating rink and sports field. Key outdoor sports are organized in the surrounding area, and a lot of exercise and activities are done in nature. A new children's traffic park will be completed near the school in the summer of 2024. There is a lake on both sides of the school and Konginkanka harbor is nearby. In autumn 2025, the people of the Konginkangka daycare center will move from the sheltered premises to the school premises.
The rural school has a village school-like atmosphere, and a comfortable and immediate work atmosphere. In a small school, we operate flexibly and can react to changes quickly. The school staff actively participates in various projects. For example, in the spring of 2024, we will participate in the joint art project of the entire Konginkanka village planned with the community artist of the village.
The city of Äänekoski wants to preserve the small, village school-like units and invests in them. Konginkangka's daycare center will become part of the school in 2025. Nuorisotila Vapari operates next to the school.
There is still an old school in the school grounds, which is used by the home district association. In Konginkanga, the village community is active.

Hobby opportunities around the school
You can practice a variety of sports around the school, and the school has several active clubs. Get to know to school hobby groups. Konginkankaa school has a good range of free clubs modeled after Finnish hobbies for students.
The school is the heart of the whole village, and sports and drama clubs are especially active at the school. In the evenings, the school actively engages in sähli and other sports.
For more information:
Heikki Series
040 567 4037
The teachers
040 869 8597
Afternoon activity
Tuuli Pasanen
0400 115 416
Emails: firstname.surname@aanekoski.fi