Exercise for children, young people and families

Bicycles for adults and children lined up in the park.
Äänekoski has versatile exercise opportunities for all ages. Activities are organized by the city, sports clubs and organizations as well as the civic college. 

SporttiPT activities for young people

SporttiPT's activity is free exercise counseling for young people and early adults aged 12-29. Exercise counseling helps in finding exercise motivation and a suitable form of exercise, and provides support for a meaningful start or continuation of exercise.

Who is SporttiPT suitable for?

If the amount of exercise is low or your own interest in exercise has disappeared - help can be found in exercise counseling. If you are interested in starting gym training and need support, you can join SporttiPT activities.

Guided SporttiPT gym groups

  • Gym groups are free of charge for all SporttiPT participants. 
  • Äänekoski in the gymnasium of the sports center on Mondays from 15:16.30 to 1.4.2024:XNUMX. The group's activities will be on hiatus from April XNUMX, XNUMX. 
  • In the Suolahti swimming hall's gym on Wednesdays from 15-16.30:1.4.2024 p.m. The group's activities will be on hiatus from April XNUMX, XNUMX.
  • Contact a SporttiPT exercise instructor if you are interested.  

How to join?

You can make an appointment for the SporttiPT instructor yourself or the guardian of the young person can contact you. You can call, send a message via the WhatsApp application or send an email. You can also come to SporttiPT with a referral from a health nurse or other professional or, for example, on the recommendation of a physical education teacher. You can come to SporttiPT alone or with a counselor (e.g. youth worker / family counselor).

More information about the activity:

Sports advisor
Anu Kaajalahti
040 190 2748

Baby and family swimming

Baby and family swimming is organized in VesiVelho swimming pool on Saturdays. Once a month, there is a new craze for baby swimming. See detailed information and schedules Äänekoski swimming pool Water Wizard web page.

Activities organized by clubs for children, young people and families

Here are links to the activities organized by the clubs. The page is still under construction, so please be patient. 

Hobby grant 

The hobby grant is intended primarily for families where it is difficult for children to participate in hobby activities due to the family's financial situation. The granting of a hobby grant to families with children from Tunakoske has been made possible thanks to donations from various operators. Read more Äänekoski's hobby grant here.


Indoor exercise

The city of Äänekoski offers versatile sports venues for practicing different forms of exercise. Whether it's basketball, ice hockey, swimming or even bowling, it's good to practice in the facilities of the city and private service providers. We have the most energy-efficient ice rink in Finland. The new overpressure hall serves the football players of the entire province. Äänekoski has two swimming halls and numerous swimming spots. You can skate and scooter in the new indoor skate park!