Physical activity and contact information

A sign from the Äänekoski Culture and Sports Office.
Äänekoski offers excellent sports opportunities for elite, competitive, youth and recreational sports, as well as opportunities to practice different levels of sports in different parts of Äänekoski.

The most important tasks of the sports services of the city of Äänekoski are the maintenance of the network of sports facilities, the coordination of use shifts, and the exercise management activities, the focus of which is on the exercise of special groups. 

A total of 15 people work in the sports services, of which 8 work in the swimming pool (in 2025, 6,5 staff members will work in the swimming pool during the renovation of the Suolahti swimming pool), 3 as sports lifeguards at indoor sports facilities, 2 as sports instructors for special groups, 1 project worker as a sports advisor and a sports service manager who also works as a personnel supervisor, who is also responsible for all sports facilities. Äänekoski Property Management is responsible for the maintenance of outdoor sports facilities in the largest urban areas. Maintenance for other outdoor sports facilities is purchased from private operators, for example, sports clubs and village associations.     

From the Culture and Sports Office, you can get information about sports venues and usage shifts, as well as the planning and maintenance of sports venues. You can also find up-to-date information on sports services on the city's website.

Contact us

Our e-mail addresses are in the form (remove the dots from the letters, i.e. ä>a and ö>o)

Sports services

CULTURE and Sports Office

Cultural center Painotalo
Kalevankatu 2

Open Mon-Fri 9am-12pm and 13pm-15pm

Sports services manager 
Jaana Kiiskinen
040 551 4016

Office secretary
Mirja Halminen
040 351 9522

We prefer electronic communications primarily to the address:

Gymnasium / Swimming pool VesiVelho

Koulunmäenkatu 2
44100 Äänekoski

Gymnasium janitors, 040 356 4779 (Raine, Janne and Joni) 
Tiina Liimatainen, physical education instructor for special groups, 0400 115 199 
Heidi Kaskismaa, physical education instructor for special groups, 040 359 0496 
Project worker sports advisor Anu Kaajalahti, 040 190 2748
Tuula Rimminaho, manager of the swimming pool, 0400 234 554
VesiVelho swimming fund, 0400 115 345 

Äänekoski Areena Pankkari

Vanha Vaasantie 462
44100 Äänekoski

Security guards at the Liikuntatalo and Pankkar, 040 356 4779

Suolahti Swimming Pool (CLOSED FOR RENOVATION UNTIL 3/2026)

Telakkakatu 15
44200 Suolahti

Tuula Rimminaho, responsible for the swimming pool, 0400 234 554 tuula.rimminaho(at)
Suolahti swimming hall cash desk, 0400 115 346

Safety for everyone!

We want our operations to be responsible in terms of fire and rescue issues related to the premises of sports venues, from the point of view of the safe exercise of both children and young people as well as adult users. That's why it's important to follow the rules of the farm in question and familiarize yourself with the rescue plan.

The persons in charge of the visiting clubs / groups / users must familiarize themselves with the rescue plan of the property to be visited from the attached link before the event. After this, those in charge of standard shifts and event organizers must confirm familiarization with the plan in the electronic rescue plan with their own confirmation.

Thank you for a safe hobby  


Indoor exercise

The city of Äänekoski offers versatile sports venues for practicing different forms of exercise. Whether it's basketball, ice hockey, swimming or even bowling, it's good to practice in the facilities of the city and private service providers. We have the most energy-efficient ice rink in Finland. The new overpressure hall serves the football players of the entire province. Äänekoski has two swimming halls and numerous swimming spots. You can skate and scooter in the new indoor skate park!