Katvela daycare center

Katvela daycare center is located in the center of Suolahti, part of Katvela-Kellosepä daycare center. The daycare provides early childhood education and pre-school education for children aged 1-6. Katvela's daycare center has a great setting for playing!

Rak. 1975,
renovated in 2022
Opening hours
Mon-Fri from 6.30:17 a.m. to XNUMX p.m
Mukulakatu 1
44200 Suolahti
Contact us
Kindergarten director
040 778 8634
Information about the kindergarten
Katvela daycare center is located close to Suolahti city center services, school and library. There is close cooperation with the Kellosepä daycare center next door. Katvela kindergarten has wonderful grounds and good playgrounds! There is a swimming pool in the interior and there is room to play around. Sausages are fried in the fireplace and wonderful performances are often seen in the singing hall and on the stage! Welcome to Katvela kindergarten!
You fools is a 3-place group for children under 12 years old, with an early childhood education teacher and two early childhood education nannies.
You smell is a group of children aged 2-5. An early childhood education teacher and an early childhood education nurse work in Haitula.
Little people is a children's group for 3-5 year olds with room for 21 children. An early childhood education teacher and two early childhood education nannies work in Menninkäins.
The preschool group does not take place every year.

Notification of treatment times
Äänekoski uses an electronic transaction system, CGI Vesa, through which childcare appointments are reserved for children in early childhood education and pre-school education, and the completed childcare appointments are monitored. Announcing care times in time ensures a sufficient number of adults in relation to the number of children present and the implementation of working time legislation. Read more
The nursery school's own website
Vilperit Instagram Instagram for the ages Titties Instagram

For more information:
Kindergarten director
Susanna Väisänen
040 778 8634
You fools
0400 115 151
You smell
040 0115149
Little people
0400 115 150
Emails: firstname.surname@aanekoski.fi