Preschool education

As a rule, pre-school education is organized for children in the year before compulsory schooling. Pre-school education functions as part of the continuum of early childhood education and basic education, strengthening the conditions for children's learning, development and well-being.
Based on the law, preschool education is organized for at least 700 hours a year, i.e. 20 hours a week. With compulsory pre-school education, in the year before the start of compulsory schooling, the child must participate in a year-long pre-school education or activities that achieve the goals of pre-school education. The guardians take care of the child's participation.
Preschool education is free of charge for participants.
In the year of starting school, a preschooler has the right to early childhood education on July 31.7. until.
The Äänekoski city's growth and learning board decides on the working days of pre-school education and the organization of pre-school education every year.

Here you can find preschool working and holiday hours as a pdf file.
Tulevat esioppilaat saavat kirjeen kotiin helmikuussa. Kirjeessä on ohjeet esiopetukseen ilmoittautumisesta. Esiopetukseen ilmoittaudutaan CGI Vesan kautta ja samalla haetaan tarvittaessa täydentävää varhaiskasvatusta. Täältä löydät tietoa about applying.
Primarily applications electronically!
Information about student transport
Application for transportation of a preschool student Note! Primarily applications electronically!
Printable forms Note! Primarily applications electronically!
Contact information:
Pirjo Heinonen, director of family services
Hallintokatu 4, 44100 Äänekoski
0400 672 637
Director of education and training
Niina Rautanen
Hallintokatu 4, 44100 Äänekoski
040 5148 102
Hietama preschool
Hietamantie 96, 44170 Hietama
Mia Irtamo 040 721 3856
Koivisto's preschool education
Koivistonkyläntie 143b, 44250 Äänekoivisto
Marika Vuorinen 0400 914 911
Koulunmäki preschool
Koulunmäenkatu 6, 44100 Äänekoski
Mia Irtamo 040 721 3856
Kongingkanka preschool education
Kirkkotie 8, 44400 Konginkangas
Mika Keljo 0400 768 255
Sumiainen preschool education
Sumiaisraitti 17, 44280 Sumiainen
Susanna Väisänen 040 778 8634
Katvela daycare center
Mukulakatu 1, 44200 Suolahti
Susanna Väisänen 040 778 8634
Watchmaker's kindergarten
Kellosepänkatu 19, 44200 Suolahti
Susanna Väisänen 040 778 8634
Our e-mail addresses are in the form (remove the dots from the letters, i.e. ä>a and ö>o)