How to apply

You can apply for an early childhood education place all year round, but no later than four months before the need for early childhood education begins. In the event of a sudden need, the application must be made at least two weeks before the start of early childhood education.
You can fill out the electronic application for early childhood education and preschool in Vesa.
CGI Vesaa päivitetään ja huolletaan säännöllisesti, mikä saattaa näkyä käyttäjälle lyhyinä käyttökatkoina. Mikäli et pääse käyttökatkon vuoksi kirjautumaan Vesaan, yritä hetken kuluttua uudelleen. Häiriön jatkuessa pidempään, olethan yhteydessä lapsen päiväkotiin lisäohjeiden saamiseksi.
Instructions for filling out the application
If applying electronically is not technically possible, you can get a paper form from the town hall or daycare centers. You can also print the application from the Printable forms section.
For more information:
All inquiries regarding new care places are answered by family service director Pirjo Heinonen 0400 672 637, and kindergarten leaders.
Decision on an early childhood education place
When CGI Vesa receives information about an early childhood education place offered to a child, the guardian must accept or reject the offered place within 14 days. Accepting or rejecting a place is done in Vesa on the Current Affairs tab.
Note! If the guardian rejects the offered early childhood education place, the child's application is also removed from processing. If the need for early childhood education arises again, a new application must be submitted to Vesa for the child.