Private plots
In the city of Äänekoski, 150 plots for private homes are constantly available, and there are also wonderful beach plots available.
In the city of Äänekoski, 150 plots for private homes are constantly available, and there are also wonderful beach plots available.
In matters of construction, Äänekoski provides flexible and prompt service. We serve individually and flexibly in all matters related to plots and building permits. Our good electronic services speed up transactions even more.
Young people aged 18-29 who have moved from Äänekoski to study elsewhere are entitled to an annual study scholarship if they keep Äänekoski as their home municipality. For the spring application, the student's municipality of residence must be Äänekoski already before the turn of the year.
The dog poop dump is the outdoor trash of a small house, where the owner of the property has given permission for passing dog walkers to drop a tied bag of dog poop. The city of Äänekoski distributes free of charge Koirankakkaroskis stickers to attach to the trash cans owned by small houses.
Even a little exercise brings refreshment and increases well-being – the Central Finland is Moving agenda encourages Central Finns to be active.
In the map service, you can find pending plans, plots for sale, schools and kindergartens, or even outdoor and indoor sports facilities!
Urban construction services is responsible for the upkeep, maintenance and cleaning of the city's offices, as well as new construction and repair investments related to real estate assets.
There is a service bus service called Kyläbussi in Äänekoski. The Kyläbussi serves the residents of the villages of Äänekoski and provides access to services. The Kyläbussi service is an open service intended for everyone. You will now recognize the Kyläbussi from the Äänekoski print! Jump on the Kyläbussi!
On these pages, you will find information about land use planning and zoning, pending planning projects, and available plans. A few of the newest recently approved formulas are also listed here.
On these pages you can find valid beach master plans, sub-master plans of settlements and villages, structure master plans and other valid plans.
The current urban plan of the Äänekoski settlement is available on the Äänekoski map service. On these pages you will find the latest urban plans that have come into force.